Search results

  1. N

    NSC/Columbus(Ohio) N400 Timeline

    Hi and congratulations!! ...didn't see you either - looked for you though. Lots of Africans in the crowd I noted, one Australian, one Brit. Do you remember seeing a tall British guy there?
  2. N

    NSC/Columbus(Ohio) N400 Timeline

    Excellent - see you there!
  3. N

    NSC/Columbus(Ohio) N400 Timeline

    Received letter 20th February - Oath Ceremony will be on 14th March. :D
  4. N

    NSC/Columbus(Ohio) N400 Timeline

    Hi - yes 2 months also - standard stuff I'm thinking. So you reckon 21st March eh? I was thinking 28th March actually. Or possibly even as early as the 7th looking at other people's timelines. Fingers crossed. I'll be in touch!
  5. N

    NSC/Columbus(Ohio) N400 Timeline

    Interview Completed Hi all, Like Dream_Chaser, I had my interview on 13th February early morning - I spent longer in the waiting room than in the interview itself. All ran smoothly, questions were answered correct etc. and I was also told that I was going to be 'recommended for approval'...
  6. N

    NSC/Columbus(Ohio) N400 Timeline

    I too have received my interview date - also the 13th February. Columbus seems to be pretty quick. Application sent:10th October Application received 17th October Cheque cashed: 21st October Fingerprinted: 16th November Interview Date: 13th February :)
  7. N

    NSC/Columbus(Ohio) N400 Timeline

    Oo - thanks for that. Fingers crossed then.
  8. N

    NSC/Columbus(Ohio) N400 Timeline

    Anyone heard anything?! I'm getting impatient! Perhaps given the time of year, we won't get Interview Dates until late January... Boo. Oh well.
  9. N

    NSC/Columbus(Ohio) N400 Timeline

    Fingerprinting Turned up for the fingerprinting and had to wait 2 hours... Guess the next step is to hear about an interview date. Fingers crossed for a date soon :-)
  10. N

    NSC/Columbus(Ohio) N400 Timeline

    Email That's great - thanks for that - I'll email shortly - cheers ;-)
  11. N

    NSC/Columbus(Ohio) N400 Timeline

    Identical Appointments Interesting - you actually submitted your application ahead of me by a few days but we both received notice of the date for finger printing on the same day and we're both to have the FP done on the same day. They must have sent the things out in bulk or something...
  12. N

    NSC/Columbus(Ohio) N400 Timeline

    N-400 Columbus Ohio Timeline And here is my info thus far: Application sent:10th October Application received 17th October Cheque cashed: 21st October To be fingerprinted: 16th November I'll update in due course.