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  1. C

    Should I apply for citizenship w/a recent DUI?

    Since when USToday became an official Immigration law resource? The press publishes tons of BoolShuut every day.
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    Should I apply for citizenship w/a recent DUI?

    Section 101(f) of the Act and 8 CFR 316.10: Link: "(b) Finding of a lack of good moral character. (1) An applicant shall be found to lack good moral...
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    Should I apply for citizenship w/a recent DUI?

    Who says about "5 years"? Why 5 years, not 3 years (3 years is usual probation time for the most misdeaminor DUI cases)?
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    Should I apply for citizenship w/a recent DUI?

    Hmm. It was quiet a while ago. Just googled for "felony DUI deporation" and found something similar (Leocal v. Ashcroft, 543 U.S. ____ (Case No. 03-583) ): Also (Supreme Court Overrules Deportation of Haitian Immigrant for Felony DUI...
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    Should I apply for citizenship w/a recent DUI?

    Which court decided what? To deport or to find defendant non-deportable?
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    Should I apply for citizenship w/a recent DUI?

    I am not sure if we are talking about the same guy (mexican immigrant, charged for DUI, INS was trying to deport him), but what I have read, that the guy got felony DUI (put a couple of people with serious injuries into Intencive Care Unit), and got his 2 years in prison. After that INS tried to...
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    DUI in Georgia

    Actually it is not. Do you have any legal defenition that DUI first offence is CIMT? If you cannot provide such info - whatever you said is BS.
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    Drunk Driving and Deportation

    Even more. How about that:
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    Drunk Driving and Deportation

    Do you understand English? In my example I have highlighted the situation: some person was charged for DUI for starting his car engine just to charge cell phone battery at capmground without going anywere. In another example the guy got DUI conviction for sleeping at back seat drunk.
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    Drunk Driving and Deportation

    You could go for camping, have a few glasses of wine outdoors, start your car engine just to charge your cell phone, get caugth by ranger police and get DUI for sure.
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    New clause on DUI/DWI in Immigration reform bill

    I am asking you again: where did you find the information regarding deportation for first DUI offense? I've just googled and found only the following proposition: "Section 606: This section renders aliens convicted of three or more drunk driving offenses deportable"...
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    DUI Folks ..Log your concerns here

    Heh, finally my DUI case is over (California). I got plea: no-contest, no restitution, weekend works, fines, alcohol classes, 90 days restricted license and 3 years informal probation. So shit hit the fan for me. I have GC and I am worry about my future possible application for naturalization...
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    ALERT!!! The House passes a dangerous Anti legal immigration bill

    So you trust "other immigration forums" more than official documents posted on .gov websites? Hmm.. As for 3 DUI maximum for legals -- it comes in section "Removal Drunk Drivers", not under "Deportation for DWI" section. From the law perspective, sure that 3 DUIs does not show that you have...
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    S. 1932 Status

    Kobra33611, belive you or not, you already have to carry either your passport/actual CG or their certifed copies (or notary public stamped). If you do not have them with you, any cop theoretically could take you to custody to figure out your status. As for the actual text. Sometimes it is...
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    S. 1932 Status

    How 4437 hits legal aliens? Kobra33611, where did you find that? I have looked thru for 4437 ([H.R.4437.RH], [H.R.4437.IH] and [H.R.4437.EH]) and found out that this amendment (sec. 606 b) is in regards to removing illegal alliens: (b) Deportation for DWI-...
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    ALERT!!! The House passes a dangerous Anti legal immigration bill

    I have looked thru for 4437 ([H.R.4437.RH], [H.R.4437.IH] and [H.R.4437.EH]) and found out that this amendment (sec. 606 b) is in regards to removing illegal alliens: (b) Deportation for DWI- (1) IN GENERAL- Section 237(a)(2) of such Act (8 U.S.C...
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    2nd degree misdemeanor ??????

    I thought if the BAC is below legal limits (0.08%), the case should be dismissed. How did they convict you with your BAC 0.07%?
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    DUI Folks ..Log your concerns here

    CG and DUI Hello folks, need your opinion. Recently got DUI + accident, no injuries, 1st offence (not convicted yet; hired good DUI lawer in Bay Area, CA). Have GC for about 4 years. Should I start to worry about my GC? Could INS revoke my GC after I get convicted? If not, could I apply for...