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  1. X

    Can I do h1 transfer after 2 month of work for the employer

    I changed the job about two month ago and got my H1 transfter approved 1 month ago. I don't like this job and the employer don't like me eighter so I started to look for new job and got the job offer now. I only worked 2 months for the current employer, can I do another H1 transfer? I heard...
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    Do I have to work at least 3 month for old employer befor I can do h1b transfer?

    I changed my job two month ago and the h-1b transfer is already approved. Now I got another job offer so I need transfer my h1b again. I heard that you have to work for employer for substantial time of period like 3-6 months then you can transfer h1b. Is that true I have to wait that long to...
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    Perm denied, help

    My PWD is ok since it's valid for a year but I have to redo recruitment which is a lot of more hassle. and I can't keep my priority date.
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    Perm denied, help

    Just talked to the lawer. the stupid lawer put 12/31/2005 as the expiration date. Any chance to appeal? I don't want to refile since it will make the priority date half year late (the recruitment just pasted 180 days so we need to redo the recruitment, then refile). Thanks
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    Perm denied, help

    we start recruitment at 9/1/2005 by placing the job order and other ads on the newspaper at sepetember. We then wait about 2 months. During waiting we get the PWD at 10/15/2006(it's valid at leaset 90 days and not more than 1 year). Do you think this is overlaped or not? Thanks
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    Perm denied, help

    I don't know what my lawer put there. I'll talk to him. But from 10/15/2005 to 10/15/2006 is just one year, not more than one year, right?
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    Perm denied, help

    You make me more confused. we start recruitment before the pwd. The pwd is valid for one year so our recruitment won't begins after pwd expires. Are you saying you can not start recruitment BEFORE you get PWD?
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    Perm denied, help

    That's what my understanding for the validity. But are you sure the recruitment must begin within the validity period? I heard a lot of case that they start PWD request and recruitment same time. PDW request need one or two month here(I am talking about senerio last year). Then the recuitment is...
  9. X

    Perm denied, help

    My PWD says it's valid for at least 90 days but not more than one year. from my understanding it shoud be valid from 10/15/2005 to 10/14/2006. So the deny reason doesn't make sense since it's not expired at all during the process of my perm application. Is that right?
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    Perm denied, help

    By the way, if I refile, does my priority date becomes the date of refile? That would pain since it's another 7 or 8 month delay since we need redo the PWD and it take long time here in Maryland
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    Perm denied, help

    My perm got denied. The reason is: expiration date for PWD is either less than 90 days or more than one year. What does it mean? I got the PWD at 10/15/2005 which states it's valid at least 90 days but not more than 1 year. job order placed on 9/1/2005, two sunday newspaper at 9/4/2005 and...
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    what does the status pending mean?

    I just talked to my lawer and he said the my perm status is pending? what does it mean? What other status could have? Thanks
  13. X

    Can I apply labor certification without a lawer?

    I just checked the form for perm filling. It's not hard. I think I can do it by myself. Is this a regulation that you have to have a lawer to represent you to file the petition? or you can represent yourself to file? Another qustion: My wife and I both hold the h1 visa and both of us are...