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    <<AP is PROVED!!!!Dani Thassa Diyya!! ....>>

    Friends!! Checked over the weekend.. Says approved for me and my betterhalf. Can\'t believe. 11 years of waiting is over. Mind says have fun. But the body still doesn\'t accept. It is used to gettingup in the middle of the night and see visions of dark future like going back to India with no...
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    forum trivia *****

    For the first time since I started surfing, the no. of approvals for July is more than the total no. of August cases as per Rupnet. Trivia to smile for this, otherwise, dull week.
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    Hekp!!someone I know wants to screw up my case

    No Title esbee, I get you. I know it is almost like a taboo even to talk about these kinds of issues. But, I know this person for quite some time and I guess, I see in play, the proverbial "Familiarity breeds Contempt" phenomenon. Just to give an example, when I was looking for a job...
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    Recession - Are people still going back to home Country(IND/CHN...)

    No Title Common Guys!! : 2002gc4pk is just trying to give his frank opinion. nothing sick about it. Let\'s not redicule someone for no reason. Let\'s not scare people away from giving a frank opinion. If you carefully read his comments you can see that there is nothing sick about it. Let\'s not...
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    Hekp!!someone I know wants to screw up my case

    No Title Esbee, Thanks a lot for your advice. Next time I call the IIO I will make sure that I request for an id. I am sorry if I overdid this issue in the forum. I still give benefit of doubt to that Fellow. For all I know he could be innocent. But, like you said, my life experiences probably...
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    Hekp!!someone I know wants to screw up my case

    I suspect someone I know is trying to screw up my case. Lately, this fellow started getting very curious about my EAC# and makes persistant efforts to get it from me which I never gave. He insists on checking my status as a gesture of friendhip since I am too lazy to do it myself or so he...
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    No congrats for approvals after one day

    My congrats to all those getting approved. But let\'s not post congrats msgs beyond 1 day. We all want to see fresh approvals every day. To see the same approval msg repeating every day bcos somebody is congratulating after again is like a false alarm.