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  1. I

    case transfer to san francisco

    Thank you, osjn. Yes, it was about 2 months. (10/5 approved, 10/19 PPT stamped) This could be a little longer than normal because of holiday season, or this could also be a little faster than other applicants since I had a very old PD (1996). BTW, I did not have my 2nd bio taken yesterday...
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    case transfer to san francisco

    plastic card received I received my permanent resident card today in mail. My case was approved on 10/5 in SFO local. I thought that my file would be sent back to Vermont where I started filing originally, but the card was from Laguna Niguel CA. The offier said that it could be more than a...
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    case transfer to san francisco

    I went to passport stamping today at SFO. Everything was smooth, everybody was nice, but one thing surprised me. Since I have already submitted photos etc. at the previous interview, the approval notice stated that my card had already been in process. I assumed that it would be a few months...
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    Any EB3 approvals in Oct'05 with PD before cut off date ?

    not everybody I was transfered, because I was relocated by company from NY to SF. If you moved from east to west, it could be the reason for your transfer. I think you shoud visit CSC site, local transfered cases. There are many infomations about transfered cases in bay area.
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    Any EB3 approvals in Oct'05 with PD before cut off date ?

    newkid My case was transfered in Dec '04 and had interview in May '05. I guess I was called for the interveiw a little earlier than others, just because my PD was very old. After I replied RFE, EB3 became U. I think SFO is practically working accrding to PD.
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    case transfer to san francisco

    finally approved after 9 years I received my approval letter from SF local office today. It does not mention anything about ADIT process, probably because I have already submitted my photos and signatuer etc. at the end of interview as instructed by an officer. Good luck, everyone! I truly...
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    Any EB3 approvals in Oct'05 with PD before cut off date ?

    I got it. I received my notice today with approval date 10/5 :) . My case was originally filed in VSC, and got transfered to SF local office. My PD was DEC. '96 (unbelievably old, isn't it?), with EB3, worldwide. Thanks everyone, and good luck!
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    case transfer to san francisco

    lyrix, Thank you so much! It’s a great relief for me. I have not received any response for my RFE after the interview in May, so I’m still prepared for the second interview, or another RFE. Yet, your post made me feel happy. Believe or not, my PD is ’96 Dec. I have spent several extra...
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    case transfer to san francisco

    Sorry to bother you with this very basic question, but please tell me... What is ADIT process appointment? Is it different from so-called "interview"? I had my interview done in SFO in may and waiting for the decisin. My case has been postponed after the interview because I am in eb-3. Will I...
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    My I-485 Approved

    Is your e-mail approval mentioning not to go to PP stamping? Could you please show us what is exactly saying? I hope they now have a new format for EB3 approval notice with a sort of restriction. It's much better than no approval. Anyway, congulats & enjoy! Your post gave me a hope.
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    new hope for those filed prior to Nov 2002

    Very simple question... Which date should be before Nov 2002? ND of 485 or PD? My 485's ND is Dec 2002, but PD is much much older. I have already had my interview done, but no response yet. I was disappointed by EB3 unavailability lately, but can I still expect something by Sept?
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    Interview Stamped/Not Stamped

    LUD changed? Did you see any changes on your LUD?
  13. I

    case transfer to san francisco

    Thanks for your advise! unfortunately, I don't know her number, but I would try whatever I can.
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    case transfer to san francisco

    Hi all, I'm new. I had my interview done on May 10. Though she did not stamp on pp due to background check, everything was smooth at the interview. But following day, she called me and said she found some discrepancies on my G325A. She also said she would hold my file until she receives the...