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  1. J

    please give some advice

    Dear Friends, Has anyboby gone through the GC process as a foreign pharmacist here in USA? Is it under EB3 category? In NSC, how long generally it takes from the beginning to the final approval (I-485)? Any input will be highly appreciated. John
  2. J

    please give some advice

    Has anyboby gone through the GC process as a foreign pharmacist here in USA? Is it under EB3 category? In NSC, how long generally it takes from the beginning to the final approval (I-485)? Any input will be highly appreciated. John
  3. J

    help needed fo GC question

    Dear Friends, Has anyboby gone through the GC process as a foreign pharmacist here in USA? Is it under EB3 category? In NSC, how long generally it takes from the beginning to the final approval (I-485)? Any input will be highly appreciated. John
  4. J

    GC question

    Dear Friends, Has anyboby gone through the GC process as a foreign pharmacist here in USA? Is it under EB3 category? In NSC, how long generally it takes from the beginning to the final approval (I-485)? Any input will be highly appreciated. John
  5. J

    help needed

    thanks I am in Detroit, MI
  6. J

    help needed

    Dear Friends, I have a question that needs your help. Does anyone know what is the pay rate in RiteAid as an intern? Is the intern salary negoatiable? Thanks a lot. John