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  1. T

    ***S-corp, C-corp or LLC???

    Hi Joef, As a permanent resident, to start a small software consultancy company, which one is better of these three (C, S, LLC) and why? I appreciate your answers.
  2. T

    Non Immi - Houses in Piscataway, NJ

    Hi Guys, Anybody own a house/townhome in Piscataway, NJ? How's the school district there? And how about surrounding areas? Any ideas appreciated. I know this is an immigration forum and sorry for posting a non-immigration issue.
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    How many times, we can reschedule our 2nd FP?

    Asking for a Friend, as he is in India... He has already rescheduled his 2nd FP once, and it's been rescheduled, but he wants to do it again, as he can not come now. Can we do this? If so, is there any restriction for the number of times we can reschedule it? Can somebody answer?
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    Non Immi - 1099

    To work on 1099, do we have to start a corporation or is there any other way? If we need to start, what kind of companies we can start just to get paid on 1099? I appreciate your responses.
  5. T


    To work on 1099, do we have to start a corporation or is there any other way? If we need to start, what kind of companies we can start just to get paid on 1099? I appreciate your responses.
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    To work on 1099, do we have to start a corporation or is there any other way? If we need to start, what kind of companies we can start just to get paid on 1099? I appreciate your responses.