yes, I agree...the bridge is brutal..but the tunnel in better. I've had my papers thrown across the counter at the bridge because he didn't recognize the school I went to.
cdnchris...thumbs up on Port Huron is what I wanted to hear. I've done this so many times and it DOES make a difference which one you go to. I once crossed into Montana and all the guy cared about was whether I had the $50 cash on me.... he didn't ask a thing and I was out in about...
dual intent
I guess I didn't its not illegal to file an AOS while on a TN BUT you have to wait like DBEL said. The wait for the interview at the consulate is about 57days. And I should wait at least 60 days if I decide to go the AOS make it seem less fraudulent. So...
thanks for your reply
thanks, must be frustrating feeling like a prisoner. I know the feeling I've never thought twice about coming home. I've been on TN's for 9yrs. I have no ties whatsoever to canada other than family...well, I do own a rental property, but I don't think that...
not dual intent
I don't think this has anything to do with pity. I was asking legally if this was a good approach. I really don't think I would go thru all this trouble to hope I got a nice guy. The consular processing proves I'm NOT staying permanently. Although
his personal feeling will...
yes, I'm not denying I have immigrant intent
I think I'm approaching this problem head on. I'm going to tell them I just want to work until my interview. Once I am called for the interview, I will go back to Canada and then return on the K1 visa. I will then marry my fiance and apply for a...
yes, I agree
everyone should know how important answering that question really is. Ok, the deal is, I need to work asap. I don't know how long my job will be there. The interview for the K1 isn't for another 5 mos or so. I really wanna get back in on a TN so I can work until the interview. OR...
AOS after I get in instead of K1?
One more thing...if I do get in under the TN or B2, can I just file for a AOS after
we get married instead of going to the K1 interview? Would this make it easier?
Or should I still follow thru with the K1? If I do file an AOS, I prob should consult
with an...
Ok, but there is more to it than that. I've been getting TN visas for 9yrs. This time I made the mistake of telling the border guard(who was female) that I just got engaged and would prob apply to be a permanent resident soon. I thought this would soften her up. I have been on TN's for a long...
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