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  1. J

    Life in the UK Test

    Life in UK Test is a good site designed to help people who are about to take the 'Life in the UK' test conducted by the Home Office for their British citizenship application and also for the people who are applying for a settlement visa. Information is all free...
  2. J

    UK Citizenship and residence test

    Life in UK Test Hi, If you are thinking of staying in Britain or acquiring the British Citizenship then you need to apply for the Life in the UK Test. Here is a website with free questions for preparing for the test. Following sites help you to achieve the test...
  3. J

    UK Citizenship question..please read.

    Life in UK Test Hi, If you are thinking of staying in Britain or acquiring the British Citizenship then you need to apply for the Life in the UK Test. Here is a website with free questions for preparing for the test on You can test yourself with free...
  4. J

    UK Citizenship and residence test is a good site designed to help people who are about to take the 'Life in the UK' test conducted by the Home Office for their British citizenship application and also for the people who are applying for a settlement visa. You can test yourself with free...