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  1. IheartNY

    sloner axiom :)

    OK so the CNs arent evenly distributed from 1 through to 4300 (e.g. primary applicant CN OC1 (+ 3 holes for OC1's 3 family members) then CN 5 (+ 2 holes for OC5's 2 family members) etc etc up to e.g. CN 4300) - Instead the primary applicant's CNs are distributed 1 through 3200 (with some holes...
  2. IheartNY

    sloner axiom :)

    Hey Sloaner, why are we seeing highest CN for OC at 3100 but there are circa 4300 selectees? Odd right? Ive seen lots of CNs under 2000, a reasonable number of CNs in the 2000's but virtually none over 3000. Or am I missing something??
  3. IheartNY

    DV 2014 AOS Only

    Oh D'oh! I was looking at the 2014 spreadsheet. Thanks for the links to the prior years. I am considering swapping to CP but.... if for some reason I didnt get the GC (eg limit reached) I am super worried that I couldnt get back to the US (I would likely be in the "grace period" after the...
  4. IheartNY

    DV 2014 AOS Only

    Hey peeps Im trying to get a sense of how long between sending the AOS package to interview date its taking for the New York office? I had a look at the google spreadsheet but there is scant information entered for New York. Just Alisa and Temiroff which are incomplete. If anyone has had...
  5. IheartNY

    DV 2014 AOS Only

    Has anyone out there in AOS land actually changed from AOS to CP processing? Did it cause any problems or delays for you? How long did the process take for you? Thanks :)
  6. IheartNY

    DV 2014 AOS Only

    Snap! I was just sitting here thinking the exact same thing. I am in OC with a relatively high CN and looks like I wont be current until maybe August or even September. Its hard to judge. So I need to take a long hard look at whether changing to CP is viable for me. Im from Australia so its not...
  7. IheartNY

    2014 DV Australian winners

    Im doing the AOS process because Im already living in the US. The $330 fee is the AOS fee. If youre doing consular processing in Australia you dont need to pay this. :D
  8. IheartNY

    sloner axiom :)

    Dear people of the Sloner Axion forum, Our sister Mijoro has made the bold (one would say "Sloner sized") prediction that Oceania will go current in July. Discuss.
  9. IheartNY

    2014 DV Australian winners

    That's a big call Mijoro. Sloaner sized!! :D I hope youre right!!
  10. IheartNY

    Up coming May month visa bulletin.

    Dont mind me. I have quite the flair for the dramatic. Yes 200 is good. I just hope its good enough for moi :D
  11. IheartNY

    Up coming May month visa bulletin.

    Oh just hoping for maybe 250-300. That would make me a pretty good bet to go current. If it stays at +200 per month until September I will miss out. That's all.
  12. IheartNY

    2014 DV Australian winners

    Ok I just called. May cut off is 1100. Not fantastic :( If it stays at this rate: May 1100 June 1300 July 1500 August 1700 Sept 1900 Unless there is a material acceleration us people 2000+ are going to miss out.
  13. IheartNY

    Up coming May month visa bulletin.

    Ok got the numbers. Im going off to a corner to cry... OC 1100
  14. IheartNY

    Up coming May month visa bulletin.

    Hey can someone confirm number to call KCC. I can call now. Thx
  15. IheartNY

    Up coming May month visa bulletin.

    Dont make me angry Vladdy. You wouldnt like me when Im angry. lol Im crossing my fingers and toes for at least 1200 ;)
  16. IheartNY

    Up coming May month visa bulletin.

    Hey can someone call for Oceania? I am sitting in a meeting slyly checking this thread on my phone. May be able to call KCC this afternoon but no time soon...Dying to know the the numbers :cool: Oh and I promise no brain explosions if the numbers are bad :p
  17. IheartNY

    Up coming May month visa bulletin.

    Let's hope theyre spending a little extra time with their calculators figuring out whether to make a huge jump or a HUUUUGE jump. For the sake of us in Oceania, I hope its the latter :cool:
  18. IheartNY

    CEAC DATA up to 02-MAR-2014

    Any theories re what this data means for Oceania? :cool:
  19. IheartNY

    2014 DV Australian winners

    Lol. I think my brain actually exploded when I saw 900. Mmmmmm therapy....
  20. IheartNY

    2014 DV Australian winners

    I'm calm now. Everyone can relax. Venting over. Group hug? :)