Guys I just find out that the paper with the instructions on how to pay the green card fee is missed from my visa package, any reply on what I should do?
This forum wasn’t just a forum for me, it means much more than that. I’ve been checking it for the last 10 months more than the times I checked my Facebook :) and it gave me uncountable reliefs, hopes and strengths. Without this forum and all of you here including the super moderators, it...
Guys let me tell you something interesting, while I first check my visa in my passport the US embassy here in Ethiopia has wrongly stamped other person's visa on it and canceled it latter, I was Really shoked at first but got a relief when I see mine on the next page. BTW super moderators do you...
Hi guys I just received my passport with the visa stamped on it, in the instructions it says we don't "charge any fee for social security "
what the immigrant fee is for? if that is for the green card, do we need to pay it soon?
If I am not mistaken, the embassy should have your passport so that they can print the Visa on it, I think only then your status will be changed to issued.
ISSUED ISSUED ISSUED !!!! AM SO HAPPPPPPPYYY, Britsimon am so thankful, i need ur REAL smile now:):):):)!!!!
Dear all it wouldn't be easy without this forum SO THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!:):):):):)
For those of you who are still waiting i will keep praying for you!!!:):):):);)
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