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  1. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Not a good news Information that i got from my source indicated that PBEC has stopped certifying cases temporarily for the past few weeks. Thats why people whose case status is "RIR" or "Final Review" haven't seen status change since last month. My source also indicated that these assholes...
  2. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Hey how_long, Make sure you have list of most important questions that needs to asked. Try to avoid any unnecessary questions. If you don't know what to ask then we members can help you with important questions.
  3. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Looks like more VA cases are approved from Philly these days.
  4. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Not true. I just checked the status once again. It very well shows the case status. By the way this is my 8th enquiry within the last two months. Everytime i got the response on time. Try one more time after a week.
  5. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    It happens at Dallas BEC and its sporadic. With Philly BEC i don't think we should expect anything from these bastards. These assholes spend most of their day scratching their big fat ass. Anyway check your case status once again if you do not get any response in the next 48 hours.
  6. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Hope you get it soon before end of this month. My status is still in final review for more than a month.
  7. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Hey aprlc2002, Have you received your hard copy yet?
  8. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    I am sorry to say this. If your case has not been forwarded to region then checking your case status is of no use. Also you have not received 45 days letter yet. Even if you receive your case status this is what you might find. Temp ETA case number, partial entry in case information section...
  9. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    In terms of GC, nobody knows what is good or bad and what gives advantage and what not. If you remove GC from your everyday life, then every damn thing is good.
  10. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Congratulations Beam Did you check your case status anytime recently? If yes were you put on "final review" status and how much time they took to certify your case? Can you post more information regarding your case. Like pd, rd, rir or non rir, eb2 or 3, eta case number, 45 day letter...
  11. W

    Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Now change your user name to "Extremely_Lucky"
  12. W

    Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Thiru(dan) :D They will not notify anybody. They don't have time to do that. If they have time then they will spend atleast a few hours a day on processing cases. Most of the time they just sit and scratch each others ass. Thats why they are so slow. Anyway, i have requested for extension...
  13. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    You should be happy for that. We don't need anymore "Immigration reform". We are sitting in this pool of shit because of so called immigration reform they made a few years back.
  14. W

    Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    GCCovet, I'm pretty much here. Sometimes pull other members leg every now and then. I too miss both Gandhis (Indira and Feroz). I miss their family fight. I don't think gp111 will visit this thread anymore. Becasuse he's busy with other thread. ICarus wont come back becasue he is no longer...
  15. W

    Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Good luck :D Do you have a new born baby in your house? You can use the certified LC to clean your kid's ass. :D Anyway congratulations to you.
  16. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    You spoke the truth. Anything could happen until we get the GC physically. Because these people are capable of screwing up things easily even in the last minutes/secs.
  17. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Your friend deserves it man. By the way when did you check your status? Are you from DC too? Even my PD is feb 02. These Philly bastards are picking the cases randomly. If you are lucky enough they may pick your case right way. One more thing, don't expect anything from these assholes.
  18. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    MDWatch, What is the next stage for EB3? Sit/Wait out this bloody retrogress? :D
  19. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Send the email right now Its Subject should be: Proof for 7th year H1B extension Just give your ETA case number that starts with P-04xxx and your first name, last name and employer name. Once you get the response post your case status here immediately.
  20. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Ciril99, Did you check your case status by sending email? If not why don't you check your status.