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  1. K

    Citation Question

    6 years ago, I was given a ticket/tab by the transit authority for jumping turnstile. The fine was around $50 but this was dismissed because I had purchased a ticket , used it , but the turnstile did not work. In terms of documentation, I do not have much except a letter from the transit bureau...
  2. K

    Best way to mail N-400

    It is a good idea to mail after the 90 day period begins. You can mail it the day your 90 day period begins so that your post mark is in the safe period. Many in he forum have also used registered first class mail. FedEx/UPS does not make a big sense.
  3. K

    Selective Service Letter timeline

    It is pretty quick. I applied before the holidays (around 21 Dec or so) and recd mine today.
  4. K

    Benefits of US Citizenship: Estate Tax.

    This is a very good observation. Thanks for the Info.
  5. K

    Presense requirement after citizenship?

    USIS Free I agree with baikal3 and Dani. One of the main benefits to being citizen is being free of the INS/UCIS wait times and other requirements. If it was just SS benefits, then citizenship and residence are not a requirement. Your credits are.
  6. K

    Eligibility and N400 question

    Interview before 5 yrs? Why would "having an interview a little earlier than the 5 year date is problematic" this be the case? Rules allow us to apply 90 days in advance.