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  1. L

    TSC -- H1 7th year extension approved!!

    No Title kuversa, Are you asking me? If so, applying for a 6 year extension if PD > 365 days is a loop hole it seems and my lawyer say\'s that. He also says only in some speciality cases they can do that ...and I am not clear about those cases. Hope I am clear.
  2. L

    TSC -- H1 7th year extension approved!!

    That\'s some good news!! TNSEA, I too work for the number one financial firm and our attorney\'s are one of the best. I got the above information from them and I\'ll double check with them too. Can you get further details from your attorney regarding the new memo. This would help me a lot.
  3. L

    TSC -- H1 7th year extension approved!!

    Is this a loop hole and is this going to be shut down very soon? Well, I am in a situation where there is a chance that I might not get my labour cleared before I hit my 6 year limit. But this is what my lawyer say\'s. Currently people are filing for an H1 extension if your PD > 365 days...
  4. L

    NYC RIR Status

    No Title Thank you very much! Does SESA normally add staff in such situations? My 6 year limit ends on July 03 so I was\'nt sure if I can get through the labour by then. Based on what you are saying I think I\'ll get my labour by then.
  5. L

    NYC RIR Status

    when can we expect Jan 02 cases to be cleared Labour_pain, You seem to be following these approvals very closely. So, i think you can give an better extimate on when Jan 02 cases might be approved. Please help!!