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  1. G

    EA versus OR versus everyone else

    A poster on another thread who recently got his EA approved(Congrats, bro!) was kind enough to post his detailed credentials. Applying the narrow definitions INS uses, as described by the Miller Mayer article and other articles they refer, is...
  2. G

    EB1b REF help!!

    Sorry to say this, but your atty is likely to have done patchy work on all these cases; a couple of the RFE comments you mentioned, would never have occured if the dude did his job properly. Watch him carefully this time around.
  3. G

    EA versus OR versus everyone else

    Well, you dont need so many years of experience or a PhD or such degrees. But, unless you are John Nash and have done your magnum opus FOR YOUR PHD, if gradschool experience is what your application is based on, not even MIT and Standford whizzes should qualify-- unless you pulled a John Nash...
  4. G

    will EB1 retrogress?

    Trackitt is fine; but remember that there will be 9 month gap in October, than the usual 3 month or so gap. If there had been good inflow of Ind or Chn applicants... should lead to retrogression. Trackitt only has a handful of Indian EB-1s with only three approvals, with vastly differing...
  5. G

    EA versus OR versus everyone else

    Hopefully, your time isnt far off. Good Luck. For me, the attorneys I contacted were quite uniform; excepting one woman who runs an NIW-only shop. She was clearly not practising good law, but was getting lot of NIW approvals. Her trick was to fatten up the application and send in 200-300...
  6. G

    EB1b REF help!!

    No, get congrats from "all over the world" if possible; OPR category stresses "international" a lot. Congrats are not a big help, but good to have. For your Chinese award, the best document you can provide is one from a reputed scholar (get his CV also), or from the award granting body in China...
  7. G

    will EB1 retrogress?

    I've heard of several June EB1 485 approvals, the last of which is from late December 2006. This means there is a 6 month lag; on top of which there is a 3 month block till October. So, with only 95 visas/month on avg for India/China, every chance for a slight retrogression....
  8. G

    EB1b REF help!!

    Won't be the first case of CRIS getting criss-crossed. Paper is more reliable than CRIS anyway.
  9. G

    EA versus OR versus everyone else

    That is a terrific analogy, and INS behaves like the fellow who gives the road test. Most only check if you can drive adequately with minimum loss of points. Some wankers are jobless enough to see if your hands are at 10 and 2. [which wankers are in fact, the only ones doing their jobs...]...
  10. G

    EB1b REF help!!

    Even simple RFEs cause variable delays.. sorry to hear you have had one. Based on the "processing time" predictions over the last few months, I was expecting my 485 to be approved in late July or early August. But, I was caught in the June "Surge"... I am one of the 60000. That is all. However...
  11. G

    EA versus OR versus everyone else

    Thanks .. and... thanks I got lucky in the 2-3 week early approval due to the idiotic June surge, but what happened to me before was horrible, and ten times worse in magnitude than this last and lone stroke of luck. I posted more details here...
  12. G

    EB1b REF help!!

    Yeah get more, sure. But, see that the achievements mentioned in them, arent what you have accomplished SINCE you filed the I-140, but before. In fact, they have asked for it in the RFE. Also try this. If you are close to any of the 8 people already submitted, request 1 or 2 of them to give...
  13. G

    EB1b REF help!!

    Dude, I will try to be frank. I think as pana said, your atty blew it big time and unfortunately, your application went to a conscientious USCIS staffer. They only spend 20 minutes reading our months of work. This is a tough RFE. But, any RFE can be cleverly worked out. Now, the main way out...
  14. G

    EA versus OR versus everyone else

    Thanks. I am from India, but due to the ostracism we have suffered there, I consider myself stateless. I took a one way flight out, and have never gone back. Beautiful culture, horrible politics. :) I should have gotten 485 approval in late July or early Aug (normal 7.5 months time for OR)...
  15. G

    EB1-EA job change: URGENT

    Her status is dependent on your status- if you are only keeping one, she can avail only the one you keep. So if you are off H1, she is off H4. She receives the AOS-under-review status, as a dependent, from you. Unless you have a reason to keep H1, such as not being subject to certain travel...
  16. G

    will EB1 retrogress?

    Applying the 8 CFR blah-de-blah rule, aka the usual formula, there are approximately 93-95 OR visas for Indians per month. The Jan-Jun 2007 people who did not get approved in June and are in line for October, will first need to be cleared. So, there might be slight retrogression of about 2...
  17. G

    EB1-EA job change: URGENT

    No, you can change jobs as you want,, when you want, as long as the new job is close to your old one. You can't for example, be approved as a Civil Engineer and suddenly choose to be a painter. You have to be a Civil Engr for 6 months after you have your green card, and before that. Now, if you...
  18. G

    EA versus OR versus everyone else

    Hello All. I went through OR, but am kicking myself for not doing EA. When I applied, three different attys told me that I was a shoo-in for OR, but shouldnt risk EA. They said a) having an employer makes it easier b)EA is slightly(only slightly) tougher c) my credentials being non-mainstream...
  19. G

    will EB1 retrogress?

    Lawyers say fewer and fewer people, but I just read of this fresh PhD who got an EA with no major awards or patents and just 3 papers. This goes against the very definition of EA, and against a famous paper about NIW/EB1 rejects from the 90s that explained why postdocs and fresh scholars were...
  20. G

    Welcome to America on July 4th

    It wasnt Thahnks. I only did std processing. But I did learn this: lawyers are very conservative regarding applications and tend to hold us back. I would have easily made EB1-EA, but my lawyer was nervous even for EB1-OR. May be they want to do only easy or foolproof ones.