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  1. L

    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    Question about Master degree + experience HI, All, I have a question about the requirement of Master degree + 6 Months experience. Does that mean the 6 months plus experience must be gained after obtaining the Master degree? Does the experience gained before or during pursuing Master degree...
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    Iowa SESA Tracker

    HI, ASHKAR, Do you mean that no RIR case can be filed in IOWA anymore? Can you explain a little in details if I misunderstand your meaning? Thanks,
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    any news about PERM? Hi, I am keep monitoring at this thread as I am also in the same boat. Beside the current CA DOL situation, I havn't heard anything about PERM for a while. Anybody known what happened for that? Any chance we get benift from PERM in case we failed in RIR? lxx2003
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    working experience outside USA? Hi, guys, This might not related to the topic, but any help is highly recommanded. When the attorney prepare document for LC, regarding the working experience. Does the experience gained outside USA count? What kind of document does the attorney required to...
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    Iowa SESA Tracker

    Guys, Thank you for the attoney recommandation. BTW, yedati, you said you got LC in 2.5 month. When was this happened? How about the current processing speed? thanks,
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    Iowa SESA Tracker

    Attorney recommandation for GC in IOWA? Hi, All, Could you please recommand a good attorney who is good at or at least experienced in applying GC in IOWA? I am not sure if the attorney outside state is good option or not, at least from my view they are not familiar with the local media for...