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  1. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    I am happy for you and am glad that your ordeal is finally over. Would you please explain who Mr. Thomas Ragland is?
  2. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    mfak1, thank you for your advice and the valuable information. I unfortunately do not live under the jurisdiction of the fifth district court. I am in Atlanta area and should be covered by the eleventh district (If I'm not mistaking ). I am planning to give this a shot starting by an inquiry...
  3. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Thank you mfak1 for your reply. Yes, it is the case I was trying to find, and I very well remember when it was mentioned back in 2013 in this forum. The case has an eerie resemblance to my case, and since a precedent has been established, I am hoping my case could benefit from this record. (My...
  4. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Yes Tj112, I appreciate your help finding this for me.
  5. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    If anyone else knows about the case I am referring to, I would greatly appreciate your feedback. I tried a number of times on the web, using various key words trying to find it, all to no avail!
  6. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    The case involving an Iranian lady. I believe the rit of madamos was filed in Arizona, if I'm not mistaking. It was brought up during your conversation with Anwen. It was you talking, wasn't it?!
  7. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    mfak1, Would you happen to know the details about the MEK case mentioned in our conference call?! I would appreciate it if you would provide me with the name of the applicant as well as the attorney who handled the case. Thank you.
  8. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Hi mfak, Thank you for the information. I believe everyone received the same e-mail. I also believe the codes sent are extremely private and should be removed from this domain. Please kindly remove it as soon as possible. It has been intended for us only and everyone armed with these codes can...
  9. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Hello everyone, Please go ahead and contact Anwen if you would like to participate in this conference call. Our fate could be decided in this conference call, so please do not delay contacting her to provide the information she has demanded. I believe we all should push for the idea of class...
  10. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Deep Trigger, would you kindly contact those you have their contact information so we could arrange this conference call?
  11. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Dear Mr. ................ I am terribly sorry—I have not forgotten about this, or all of you (at all), and my unresponsiveness has been due solely to the fact that this has been a difficult few months for refugee lawyers and it’s been a little difficult to find time to breathe. I think it might...
  12. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Hello Ms. Hughes Ms. Hughes please take a moment of your time and explain to us what we need to do. have you forgotten us? You have not returned any of our emails and messages. We understand if you are no longer interested to help us in this matter. We are already in a limbo with USCIS, being...
  13. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    mfak1, thank you for sharing this valuable information. I have been personally thinking to write a letter to Nebraska Service Center and explain how and why my case is qualified and should be adjudicated under the current exemption. I don not advise anyone to do the same before first consulting...
  14. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Very accurate. Nice job Deep Trigger.
  15. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Hello all, I just sent this letter to Ms. Hughes. I will inform you if I receive a reply. Hello Ms. Hughes, Thank you for your recent emails. It appears that despite two major exemptions, DHS is exhibiting very little interest or intention to implement them and resolve this issue to relief...
  16. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    It is a shame! If you would kindly share the details about this gentleman, including full name, his case number, or any information for that matter, we pass on the information to Ms. Hughes or Nezer. Maybe they could use it to "get things moving forward" as Ms. Hughes mentioned in her last email.
  17. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Hello again, this is what I wrote to Ms. Hughes and What she wrote back; Ms. Hughes Thank you for your kind e-mails. I was also wondering if it is too early to inquire about today's DHS meeting. Regards, ................... Anwen Hughes 5:11 PM (5 hours ago) Nothing much came out...
  18. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Thank you Deep Trigger for your kind remarks. The meeting is actually today. I will post any information as it becomes available and would like to ask everyone to do the same.
  19. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Hi All, here is what I just received from Ms, Hughes; Dear Mr. ................, I am terribly sorry that I've been hard to reach--I had to be out of the office a lot in the early part of this year, and since things stabilized, have been slowly getting caught up, but I'm still behind on a...
  20. J

    I am no Terrorist, any advice?

    Hi all, it has been a while since I posted anything, but I have the following for you. Hello Ms, Hughes Please kindly email me back with any information that you may have as it concerns to today's meeting with DHS. Thank you very much. Regards, ...