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  1. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Labor Approved today -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I check my labor this afternoon and it says "CERTIFED" i did check this morning and it said "IN PROCESS" PD: May 27th 2004 Region - Atlanta Transfered to PHILY P-05014-27XXX...
  2. W

    BEC Priority Date Tracker

    Labor Approved today -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I check my labor this afternoon and it says "CERTIFED" i did check this morning and it said "IN PROCESS" PD: May 27th 2004 Region - Atlanta Transfered to PHILY P-05014-27XXX...
  3. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center-Atlanta Region only

    Labor Approved today -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I check my labor this afternoon and it says "CERTIFED" i did check this morning and it said "IN PROCESS" PD: May 27th 2004 Region - Atlanta Transfered to PHILY P-05014-27XXX...
  4. W

    LC Approvals from PBEC ( new)

    Labor Approved today I check my labor this afternoon and it says "CERTIFED" :) :) i did check this morning and it said "IN PROCESS" PD: May 27th 2004 Region - Atlanta Transfered to PHILY P-05014-27XXX Thank you every one in the tracker for all the help and support. I still...
  5. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center-Atlanta Region only

    one more july approval July 2004 Labor Certified !! User: SANKSMYSORE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My labor was Certified today (atleast thats what the online status link says !! .. Hope there are no more surprises !!), I always...
  6. W

    LC Approvals from PBEC ( new)

    CONGRATS!! I hava a PD of May 27th 2004 form KY still wiating :mad: Good luck for next step
  7. W

    BEC Priority Date Tracker

    May 2004 PD My case is still in process i have a PD of May - 2004 :confused:
  8. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

    Can you please provide the first two numbers of XXXXX I hava a PD of May 2004 Case # P-05014-27XXX Atlanta region Waiting to see my approval :confused:
  9. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center-Atlanta Region only

    June 2006 Approval Approval USER PRABCA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am happy to share that my Labor is certified on 11/22/2006. EB-3, RIR, GA PD 6/4/2004 45 Day notice recieved May 2006 and repleid on June 4th 2006. Case...
  10. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center-Atlanta Region only

    July 2004 Approval July 2004 Approval (USER SPICEGIRL) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just checked the DOL tracker and my labor has been approved online. PD June 2004 State GA EB3 P-05172-xxxxx I wish those waiting all the best
  11. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center-Atlanta Region only

    Atlanta PD - 26 May 2004 Approval Philadelphia Backlog case: Certified in 908 days (282 days less than average*) (0 comments) (View processing trend) User: Sawant Last Updated: 15 hours 22 minutes ago Priority Date: 26 May 2004 DOL Receipt Date: 26 May 2004 45-Day Letter Received...
  12. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center-Atlanta Region only

    FL approval MAY 04,04-- gtrman Last Updated: 26 minutes ago Priority Date: 04 May 2004 DOL Receipt Date: 45-Day Letter Received: 06 Apr 2005 45-Day Letter Replied: 25 Apr 2005 Transferred From: Florida SWA Category: EB3-RIR Status: certified...
  13. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center-Atlanta Region only

    FL approval Another certification today -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am a silent reader. Labor got certified today. Following are the details - RIR/EB2/FL PD: April 05, 2004 45D: March 11, 2005 P-05013-2**** Thank you for...
  14. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center-Atlanta Region only

    Todays new approval Aug 2003 KY Approval -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The status for another person in my company shows "CERTIFIED" as of today.. PD AUG 2003 EB3/RIR P-05139-2xxxx another LC with the same PD was certified more...
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    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center-Atlanta Region only

    Thank you Thank you, I want to see that too :)
  16. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center-Atlanta Region only

    One More April Approval Originally Posted by hope20046 After two and half year waiting, my online status also showed "Cetified". Thanks all for sharing information and giving support on this forum. Best luck getting your case certified. PD: 04-19-2004 State: KY, EB2, RIR RD: Atlanta...
  17. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center-Atlanta Region only

    One More April Approval labor certified yesterday User: lalalala -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIR /FL/ATL PD april 2004 certified online yesterday(11/8/06)
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    LC Approvals from PBEC ( new)

    Congrats!! APRIL WHAT DATE???
  19. W

    LC Approvals from PBEC ( new)

    Cangrats You are a great help Thank you for all the good work
  20. W

    Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center-Atlanta Region only

    One more approval (from Trckitt Site) Philadelphia Backlog case: Certified in 967 days (222 days less than average*) (0 comments) (View processing trend) User: shivaz90 Last Updated: 04 Nov 2006 4:16pm PST Priority Date: 09 Mar 2004 DOL Receipt Date: 45-Day Letter Received: 16 Mar...