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    Thank you very much
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    Hi, I have recently recieved extension of DS form (J2). Now i would like to travel to home country for some time. I have a valid visa. Do I have to get my extended DS form stamped from the embassy in the home country? or Do i need any endorsement from the sponsor here in US. kindly help me...
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    J2- Ead

    thanks LucyMo for the information
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    J2- Ead

    Hi everyone Can anyone let me know as how early one can apply for EAD renewal. If my EAD expires in november, 07, can i apply for renewal in may 07, or so. Thanks
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    J1 query

    thank you very much for ur information
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    J1 query

    Hi, can anybody help me out in this matter. if I take extension of my J1 and then apply for waivers, if in case I'm denied the waiver, can I still continue on my extended J1 as per DS2019 form till its expiry.
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    J1 to H1

    Hi I would like to know if i can continue under J1 status for 5 years and then can change to H1B or directly apply for green card. Iam very thanful to anyone who can answer my question.