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  1. M

    please advice, missing evidence on citizenship interview

    Later on, I learned that if you were married as of Dec 31, you must file married. So if you filed married for that year, you are fine even if you got married in oct. It was a mistake the stupid tax preparer made basically. That's why for 2008, I did the income tax myself with free...
  2. M

    please advice, missing evidence on citizenship interview

    We got married in we filed jointly until 2008 tax return.....cause on 2007, the tax preparer said that we had to be married for at least 6 months of the year and since we got married on august 10..supostely we didn't qualify to file as married. So he filed single. We learned otherwise...
  3. M

    please advice, missing evidence on citizenship interview

    Thanks everybody for your answers. I really appreciate it. I was worried but now I'm more relaxed since we have all the papers together. We just need to write a letter to the IO cause on the n-14 they gave him, it said all correspondence had to be directed to him. We have the marriage...
  4. M

    please advice, missing evidence on citizenship interview

    Hello, I thought I would post a thread since I'm really worried about my husband's citizenship case. He had his interview on july 2nd. Everything was fine..the problem was that he was too honest maybe. On the n-400 application, he mentioned that he didn't do the 2005, and 2006 tax returns on...
  5. M

    would my case be considered tax fraud?

    Well, thanks everybody for your opinion. It surely has cleared my mind alot. My husband has the application ready. He will be as honest as he can but won't explain anything that he doesn't have to, unless he gets ordered to do so. On part 10....we are going to answer YES...and he will...
  6. M

    would my case be considered tax fraud?

    Hello, well, this is my husband's case actually. Hopefully someone can help me clear my mind. my husband is about to apply for citizenship based on being a 5 year permanent resident. There's a question on the N-400 that asks if " have you ever failed to file a federal, state, or local tax...