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  1. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    almost 0
  2. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

  3. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    hope kcc won't mess up with DV 2016... i think 65-70k selectees is more than just enough..
  4. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    since they already wrote the total of selectees is greater than available visas.. it won't change anything.. if you're selectees, it doesn't guarantee you to receive a visa.. but what i wanna say is.. what a genius idea to pick 40% more selectees this year with no reason. i doubt even a...
  5. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    you need some certifications from appropriate organization.. but it's worth to try after all.. Good Luck, buddy..
  6. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    pretty unlikely for Asia and Africa.
  7. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    how do u know whether you're selected by GOD? maybe the one who choose you is devil who wants to give you temptation.. Keep believing in GOD, my friend... He always know what is the best for us..
  8. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    I dont think there will be any changes for latest vb especially af and as. But dont lose hope my friend..
  9. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    Of course NOT
  10. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    just throw away your phone :P
  11. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    don't worry grandma.. you'll get your greencard.. our prayer is be with you
  12. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    The same question with why their country issued so much money without having appropriate collateral. I think i will ask it someday to Einstein when i die.
  13. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    There is no more change for Asia Nepal and Africa until 15th
  14. W

    Asia DV14 Progress from Jun to Sept

    He's 135xx if im not mistaken.. Pretty close to "CURRENT" on Sep. But at least 2014 will be a good figure for DV 2016 to not pick more than 100k selectees.
  15. W

    Asia DV14 Progress from Jun to Sept

    pick more selectees without more available visas = issuing money without assets as guarantee :( very disappointment for us.. good luck all for next year DV and your career.. pls keep in touch guys.. and deep condolences for @Kayend , i thought at least you will be current on Sep :(
  16. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    If it's right, then it's a good news for countries with lesser selectees with high CNs.
  17. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    yesterday i was thinking 'CURRENT' means KCC will schedule our interview (not really based on CNs due to embassy's capacity) but when the visas are exhausted, they will cancel some interview..looks like it's not absolutely wrong..
  18. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    are you from Nepal?
  19. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    if we're stress, we won't be wealthy.. healthy either.. :(
  20. W

    September VB - DV14 Last Chapter

    your number is not too high.. im sure you still have like 50% chance