Search results

  1. N

    RTD and GC

    Im an American born and raised male who married a Colombian woman (god love her). We went thru the interview and she recived her -"Welcome to America" and her Green Card. This happened in February. We want to go visit her family and me to meet my inlaws in Colombia. Does my wife need to get...
  2. N

    Aslyum and educational benifits

    Thank you for the helpfull info and for the links. :)
  3. N

    Aslyum and educational benifits

    Are there any benifits available to someone who recieved asylum to be able to go to college. if so, anyone know where to get information?
  4. N

    Boimetric question

    My son was scheduled for a boimetric...which he went to. In the experience here on all you forum posters, is that any indication of a possible acceptance of his asylum petition? Or do all applicants do this reguardless of outcome?
  5. N

    232 days

    My stepson applied for asylum and was given his A# - 232 days ago....been interviewed and fingerprinted...and now all we get is ...application still pending. He is getting very distraught about this, being that he cant work a real job yet or do anything here cept wait. How long does this take...