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  1. S

    Mother's AOS interview Yesterday - Successful

    my RFE said "affidavits are not acceptable", hence I had to go through the process of getting a BC issues based on other evidence, I explained the same when asked during our interview.
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    Mother's AOS interview Yesterday - Successful

    OP, thanks, We waited for nearly an hour and finally we were called in, the officer wanted to see the original BC for both. Also and reviewed my proof of citizenship and asked the questions on 485 again, do you plan to take over the US gov.... to which my mother could not help but laugh ;-)...
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    Mother's AOS interview Yesterday - Successful

    AP, my mothers green card interview is tomorrow, what questions did they ask and any special docs they wanted? thanks,
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    GC Application for mother

    what country was she born in? I did the same for mother while she was here on b1/b2 they insisted on BC for my mother, we had to get the local muni in bangladesh to issue based on evidence provided but with recent date. now we have an interview scheduled. just apply with what you have before...
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    How to get Tamilnadu stategovernment pension after getting Green card..

    kids kids calm down, every country in the world has rules, they are all not the same. some allow you to have a second citizenship, some revoke it as soon it you get another one. what are the rules for an indian citizen to claim his/her pension? my FIL has pensions from dupont and...
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    How to get Tamilnadu stategovernment pension after getting Green card..

    solid_traveling, Pension is not the same as welfare checks/food stamps or even unemployment etc. pension is something you earned and part of the deferred compensation. so she is no ripping off poor slum kids. I can understand your anger, but op is asking how she can her pension. which is...
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    Birth Certificate for I-485 question for my mother

    Triple Citizen, I am not sure yet if the local office will issue a BC for my mother, in the event they refuse, I get a NA certificate plus what additional documentation? Thanks,
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    Birth Certificate for I-485 question for my mother

    Greetings, I received a lettering asking birth certificate for my mother. my mother was born in then pakisthan now bangladesh. The letter gave me 87 days to respond. Here is the language from the letter: "Birth Certificates Available. Registration of birth is required in Bangladesh...
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    Question on I-864EZ

    this is how I read it: 1. EZ for is for support through SOLE income of the sponsor 2. I am not providing a contract between moi and my wife, so I am not including my wife's income from previous tax for apples to apples comparision. USCIS may not care...
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    Question on I-864EZ

    not sure how you did your taxes, but there is a worksheet, MFJ vs MFS Comparision Worksheet which actually breaks down Taxpayer and Spouse. fyi: my accounted provided this to me.
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    Urgent question about I-485 Rejection Notice

    Can someone pls clarify, the PO Box # for I-130 and I-485 are different. so do we mail I-130 and I-485 to the correct PO Boxes and enclose a copy of I-130 with I-485?
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    I-485 form help filling for widow

    Greetings, first let me thank all of you for a wonderful forum which I have been following for my mothers GC application, I need your help to complete the form. in B: List your Present husband/wife and all your sons and daughters 1. Leave it blank i.e. not write my fathers name? or...