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  1. G

    What can we do? No NOA;Checks not cashed.

    What is the reasonable time to wait for NOA? It seems to me that most people receive that within two weeks. Give us some suggestions please. Many many thanks.
  2. G

    Any March Filers Out There

    Thanks TLProcess. Thanks TLProcess.:) I am wondering where will ours come from. :)
  3. G

    Any March Filers Out There

    Hi TLProcess! Hi TLPhrocess. Congrad. on your processes :) We filed on 21st,March, but still haven't got any receipts. May I know where is your NOA from? From Atlanta or Chicago? Thanks in advance.
  4. G

    Any March Filers Out There

    Another March Filer! Hi all! We are new here. Hope to catch up with you guys. Good luck to everyone!
  5. G

    Long distance couples need suggestion plz!

    Wife(F1)'s DO is at Atlanta, but Husband(USC)'s DO is at California. Wife will move to Husband(USC)'s address within 3 months. But we filled in the form with current addresses to be consistent with the 325A forms, now we don't know which DO will deal with our case. And wife needs the AP to...
  6. G

    No way to know the status before check cashed??

    Thanks! foggazer. I am at a different states from my spouse(USC). But I will move there in a few months. In the forms, we filled in our different current addresses, where the DO should be then? By the way, NOA comes from DO or Chicago? Thanks again.
  7. G

    No way to know the status before check cashed??

    Finally got registered. Hi, All! We have submitted the package on 21st, March. It was delivered on 23rd. Checks are not cashed yet. Is there any other way to know which DO? or processing status? Any input would be welcomed. Thanks a lot!