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  1. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Ok, does anyone know what the timeframe is for a passport? Normal and expedited? A site said 3 weeks was normal processing time, seems faster than what I have heard.
  2. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Got it baby! postmarked 1/30 from Missouri, that's a thursday. I did check mail the following saturday an nothing. So I waited til the following saturday again (yesterday) cause checking the mailbox so often was killing me. for 1pm 1/26
  3. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    It's almost as if more people who interviewed in January are getting OLs vs. those who interviewed in December? Looks like someone 'misplaced' a batch or two...
  4. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    INtheshed, I didn't notice it til now but you interviewed about the same time I did but you made the January ceremony. Amazing speed.
  5. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Would you say sometime in mid-january?
  6. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Congrats you guys. I haven't received anything yet. I have an infopass scheduled for 2/9, the soonest date available, if I get an OL then I will cancel the infopass. Can anyone comment on what, if any, legal action can be taken if 120 days passes? I heard that you can get an answer this way...
  7. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    nevermind, read your subject line.
  8. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Were you able to see them because of an interview you scheduled via Infopass, or were you just able to 'walk in'?
  9. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Oh btw, 6000 people X $675 = 4,050,000 million bucks. Now, I don't know if it's 6000 people for the entire day, or that given time slot, but that's still nice. 4 mil X 12 months = 48 mil/yr. Not to mention the other ceremonies on the same day at other locations in Cal or otherwise. With...
  10. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Considering you have to send/submit your original certificate for a passport, and unless you expedite it you will be w/o it for MONTHS, i would not blame anyone for making copies of it. It would be the responsible thing to do, illegal or not, imo. Think about it, you just gave them your Green...
  11. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Sirch320, my brother was at the ceremony in LA this morning as well. He said that on your way out, there were representatives from the Post Office ready to take apps for passports. That's all he said, can you confirm these details?
  12. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Congrats Sirch320.
  13. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    I wonder how receptive they are to this request of being transferred to an IO? Btw, I see that you've been finished with this process for some time, yet you stick around to help those of us still in it. Thank you.
  14. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Btw, I work in downtown and there is a mad rush of people to the convention center for you know what. Oh the envy.....
  15. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    The 800 number is very specific in stating that INS agents do not have any other information beyond what is in the automated call. Has anyone found this to be contrary? As far as InfoPass, I would choose the option below: Case Services follow-up appointment[/B] - If it has been over 45 days...
  16. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Anyone get an OL who interviewed around 12/8 or 12/9 in Los Angeles? Beacon29, Bedun?
  17. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Another thing: regarding the online case status, is this even helpful? The only entry for mine is that they received my n-400 app, no mention of the FP and no mention of the interview, both of which have already taken place. I am going to ask my brother, who has a OD of 1/29, to check his...
  18. E

    Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

    I am so glad I found this LA board, I got stats from 2 people (my brother and myself, he is exactly 3 weeks ahead of me). I see others have also interviewed on 12/8 or 12/9. It's important that we update our status as soon as one of us receives an Oath letter. My bro interviewed on 11/18 I...