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  1. R

    April CPers Plastic Card Tracker

    trygc... My understanding is that plastic cards for all CP cases get processed out of the TSC -- so the number to call is the same number. My lawyer was mentioning that the airport at which POE is done is just one of several factors that could impact timing.
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    April CPers Plastic Card Tracker

    trygc... I spoke to my lawyer and was advised that the quick turnaround for the cards many people are getting these days is a recent trend, and that there is nothing unusual in a several month timeframe between POE and plastic card reception. For the moment, I am going to give that explanation...
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    April CPers Plastic Card Tracker

    Plastic card question My wife and I successfully completed our CP processing on April 19 at Chennai and POE on April 21 at Newark. As I noticed that most other CPers that completed POE around this timeframe had already started receiving their cards, I called the Texas Service Center this...
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    April CPers Plastic Card Tracker

    vic888... Congrats. Which service center processed your card? My POE was 4/21 too -- at Newark; haven\'t received anything yet!
  5. R

    April CPers Plastic Card Tracker

    Successful April CPers, please post to this thread to track plastic card status. My details: Interview 4/19 POE: Newark 4/21 Service Center: VSC