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  • If you don't care about this then the best way of storing a lettuce is to wash it thoroughly and dry it carefully, leaf by leaf and then to place each leaf carefully on a damp piece of cloth in the fridge drawer and cover the leaves with it, so you have a lettuce leaf parcel in your fridge drawer. That works but the nutritional value if lost.

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    hi im new on this forum plse i need ure help im a winner of dv 2011 when i recieve my first latter i was confuse no body to help i made so many mistakes when i was filling my forms
    firstly i forgot to write my father date of birth
    seconly i did not signed the second form that is DS-230
    and lastly i wrote my name and case number at the upper right hand on my form instead of my case numberalone pls help me what should i do i dnt want the kcc to sent back my forms to me
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