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  • HI Daima.... Great job for helping out everyone with your advice. I have read a lot of forums but I can see your case is the most similar to mine. I have received a NL letter on May 5 and I want to do an AOS. I am married so I will be doing everything for my wife too. Now I have couple of questions that I couldn't find answer to the forums.
    DO I have to sent the DSP-122 both for me and one for my wife?
    Do I have to fill out DS -230 one for me and one for my wife separately? (The KCC representative told me that I don't need to send on for me. Is this how you did?)
    Did you send the 750 as one check or two separate 2x375?
    Thank you in advance.
    Daima. I also live in Jax, FL. I am from TZ. I would like to get in touch with you and your family and hopefully show you other members from TZ. Let me know if you are interested so that we can get in touch.
    Hi Daima..I am new to his forum. I'd like u to provide me with some information please. Actually i am a winner for dv 2010. I already started the procedures and stuff and right now I received the receipt back from DOS. Dont know what to do now. Kcc asekd me to call USCIS but they dont answer the phone. I guess u know a lil bit about the procedures. please respond to me. my email address is kbf2060@hotmail.com.
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