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  • Hi All,

    I happened to find this website so that I walked through all posts/replys, and I learned tons. Now I passed the interview, took the oath, got passport.

    My case is very unique: during the past five years being PR, I used to live and work in COP for almost 600 days (am sure nobody here would even believe it). So guys you can image how my feeling was before the interview. The interview went very smooth: it only took 10 minutes, and IO even didn't look at my passport. I prepared 16 pounds of supporting materials/documents but he only asked for my marriage certificate and made a copy. But he did ask me if I obtained GC on employment basis and I said no it was through asylum. That is it.

    So I think, for those who will have interview soon also went back to COP before, my suggestion is that, prepare as much as you can, and be ready to expalin why you had to be there, and what the back-up plan you had prepared once you were back.

    God bless you all!
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