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  • U.S. Green Card and Canadian PR Card

    I am a Canadian Citizen working in USA (since Mar 2006). My wife is Canadian Permanent Resident (since Nov 2003) and has valid PR Card. Recently we (My wife & myself) got US Green (GC) Cards.
    As far as I know, the spouse of a Canadian citizen can maintain PR status, even if he/she is not living in Canada for a long time, as long as she/he is accompanying with his/her spouse. It means that the Residency Obligation does not apply on the spouse of a Canadian Citizen.

    Now the questions are:

    1- Can a spouse of Canadian citizen, living in USA with her husband, have US Green card and Canadian PR cards (permanent residency of both countries) together?
    2- While crossing the Canadian/US border, would she have any problem or issue?
    3- Would the Green Card Jeopardize her Canadian PR status?
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