

N-400 mailed - 05/23/2007
N-400 Received - 05/24/2007
Priority Date - 05/24/2007
Check Cashed - 05/29/2007
N-400 Reciept Confirmation Notice ( Dated ) - 06/07/2007
FP Notice - 06/08/2007
FP Date/Done - 07/03/2007
Interview Notice - 10/01/2007
Interview Date - 11/13/2007(Passed , N652 RCVD , was told to expect Oath letter in 3-4 Weeks)
Oath Notice RCVD - 01/17/2008
Oath Date - 02/06/2008 : Yippee !!!
PP Applied - 02/07/2008 : Expedited
PP Received -02/15/2008 ( All Done )


  1. 5

    Keeps Coming Back

    30 messages posted. You must like it here!
  2. 1

    First Message

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.