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  • Way to go, onebowl! I want to see each and every one on this forum reporting the same thing about the interview. I hope you're ending the day with a big party!

    CN 2011EU3XXX, AOS
    4/25/2010 received 1st NL
    5/3/2010 sent ds230, 122 to KCC
    6/10/2010 medicals finished
    6/14/2010 received 2nd NL
    6/17/2010 sent $375 DOS check
    6/25/2010 received 1st DOS receipt
    8/2/2010 sent $65 DOS check
    8/10/2010 received 2nd DOS check
    10/01/2010 AOS package sent to Chicago
    10/04/2010 AOS package delievered
    10/15/2010 USCIS acceptance confirmation
    10/15/2010 check cashed
    10/19/2010 I-797 letter received
    10/25/2010 bioemtrics notice (I-797C) received
    11/16/2010 biometrics appt.
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