

CN: 2009AS000266XX
10 June 08 : Receive 1st NL :rolleyes:
4 July 08 : Sent back forms
14 July 08 : Receive by KCC
15 May 09 : Receive 2nd NL ;)
6 June 09 : Med Check :D
10 June 09 : Doc Screening (no need they said) :eek:
18 June 09 : Interview passsss :)
24 June 09 : Take passport back & yellow envelope...
21 Nov 09 : Nyampe di LAX, lancarrr
29 Nov 09 : Welcome letter...hmm
8 dec 09 : Nerima GC card, but di Michigan bkn di LA :D :D
Sampe sekarang masih wait SSN :(



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