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  • I just received a letter for additional documents.
    1. 1040 tax returns with copies of W2 forms for the past 5 years
    2. Divorce decree

    I am applying based on 5 year on GC basis not the marriage basis but was married to US citizen.
    This is my timeline
    Applied NYC Jan 15 2009
    NOA Jan 26 2009
    Checks cleared Feb 5 2009
    Fingerprint Appointment Letter Feb 11 2009
    Fingerprint Appointment Feb 26 2009 (all good)
    May 12 2009 Interview (passed)
    June 12 2009 Request for additional documents

    Do I have something to be worried about. I submitted past 3 years of tax returns with my original application but now IO is requesting last 5 years. I was in US for the entire time period and filed my taxes correctly and appropriately.
    Is this part of the standard process?
    I would appreciate any help
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