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  • Queenslurker,

    I have a question, was the question asked to you because you were out of status. As far to my knowledge, 245(i) is for people who are out of status in the US. I am asking you this question, because my parents are permanent residents and have petitioned for me through family based application. My application I-140 is approved but it will be a while before my case will be approved.

    I want to avoid such a situation. I am on F-1 visa currently and have also won the lottery. My case number is AS2011-20***. My case will be be current on around April/May. I want to avoid such a situation so it will be great if you can let me know that the officer had issues because you were out of status or was it just because you had an I-140 approved.

    Your help in this matter will be highly appreciated.
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