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  • Hi, all
    I am trying to apply to NIW category.what is my chance to be granted for NIW? here is my credentials. please give me your thought.

    1. Ph.D in X university in US, MS and BS in my home country
    2. 10 papers, 5 first authorship and 5 co-authorship, total citation 250.
    3. 2 scientific membership ( easy to join by paying membership fee)
    4. 1 international conference talk, 4 posters/abstracts
    5. 8 recommendation letters( 2 is dependent, 6 is independent letters)
    6. 1 book chapter was submitted, 3 manuscripts are being prepared
    7. 1 scholarly award from my PhD department

    no judging or reviewing experiences so far,

    Please give me your honest thought about what are the chances for NIW.
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