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  • Dear pegah!
    I am one of the DV winner 2009 from iran with a CN 26xxx
    I read your post that you have participated in Dv program both last year and this year
    I want to know that does participation in dv lottery program in 2 year continously ,damage our case?
    and what was your cn in DV 2008 & DV 2009?
    movafagh bashi!
    Dear pegah!
    I am one of the DV winner 2009 from iran with a CN 26xxx
    I read your post that you have participated in Dv program both last year and this year
    I want to know that does participation in dv lottery program in 2 year continously ,damage our case?
    and what was your cn in DV 2008 & DV 2009?
    movafagh bashi!
    Dear pegah!
    I am one of the DV winner 2009 from iran with a CN 26xxx
    I read your post that you have participated in Dv program both lastr year and this year
    I want to know that does participation in dv lottery program in 2 year continously ,damage our case?
    and what was your cn in DV 2008 & DV 2009?
    movafagh bashi!
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