Recent content by JunebugS

  1. J

    Has ANYONE gotten their 2013 results yet?

    Just checked mine + my parents' numbers - none of us won. Ah, well there's always October or the DV-2014. Good luck to those of you who have yet to check.
  2. J

    DV 2013 Program-Online Registration October 4 - NOV 2ND, 2011.

    Good luck moku and everybody else who just posted! Five and a half hours. :D
  3. J

    How much money would you need to have saved up on average?

    If you're 19, have finished two years of college, how much money would you need to have in your bank account to prove to them that you're capable of supporting yourself? How much money would a European family of three need on average? How does the job thing work, do you just send applications...
  4. J

    Good luck on Tuesday

    I'm pretty sure it'll be pretty late in Australia 12pm Eastern, unless you're talking about if they're released at midnight. Yup, that'll be 5pm Nigerian time. :D Good luck everybody!
  5. J

    For the DV 2013 lucky ones and future entrants.

    Wow, thanks for typing all that out! You seem like a great, helpful person, I'm glad you won the lottery, you seem like you deserve it. :) I'm sure you'll do great at your interview tomorrow, just keep us posted and good luck!
  6. J

    Going to DV visa interview without proof of sufficient funds...

    A 14th year winner! What was that like, how did you react? Are you comfortable sharing your visa journey with us? :D
  7. J

    If you did not win lottery - look forward to life here

    I'm sick of privileged people saying things are "meant to be". I'm sure Donald Trump thinks his getting rich was "meant to be" and that the starving children of the world simply "weren't meant to be" rich. But in reality I'm not mad, I'm just sick of this stupidity.
  8. J

    If you did not win lottery - look forward to life here

    The fact that you ignored the logical parts of my post and responded with a cocky passive-aggressive comment proves you have no idea what you're talking about. If you seriously don't have a better understanding of numbers and general logic it's no wonder that the only way you could possibly...
  9. J

    If you did not win lottery - look forward to life here

    It's not "meant to be", it's chance, just like most other things in life. Do you really think that God has a list of people that he thinks are "meant to" win the diversity lottery? Really? So by your logic, if certain things are meant to happen, is a child "meant to" get cancer, be born into...
  10. J

    DV-2012 July WAS A SCAM

    I didn't say that on May 1st you ****, I didn't even have an acct on there and I didn't check my May 1st results.
  11. J

    If you did not win lottery - look forward to life here

    Hello. My parents have been applying since '98, and I've always been a minor, so I've been applying twice as long as you. I come from a tiny little country where the chance of winning each year is 2% (I calculated it). Since my parents are both applying, it's 4%. Back in '98, there was a 48%...
  12. J

    DV-2012 July WAS A SCAM

    Yeah, you can sue again, but all you'll do is get the diversity lottery cancelled once and for all.
  13. J

    New Results of DV 2012 be discussed here with poll

    Plus, and I mean this in a completely unoffensive way, posting it here if you're not even gonna take it (or are considering not taking them up on the offer) is kinda rubbing it in..nothing against you though. :/
  14. J

    New Results of DV 2012 be discussed here with poll

    Yep, I checked my parents' and my siblings' applications, and no one won. My country has a 2% chance of winning too..sigh. Anyone know when you can apply for the DV-2013? Also, I'm 18 right now, so I was applying with my parents. Can I apply by myself as the main applicant, if I'm also an...