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  • Hi to Everyone,

    I have an important question for my interview on Sep 1st at Newark. I had my tax forms 1040 for past 5 years. I was making less money because I was living with my family. Also I wasn't paying rent, phone bill, utility bill, or food and end of the 2008 i married and moved to my husbands apartment. For 2009 I have a job and making enough money to survive. But still 2009 didn't end and i cant show how much i was making. Is my low tax returns going to be a problem for me? My lawyer told me get a letter from my company which states am making that much $**** a week and the documents which company filed.

    Are they really curious about tax returns amount? Please pass me everything u know and sufficient for me because i want to be a citizen on tuesday sep 1st.
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