Recent content by eramic

  1. E

    Atlanta (GA) expedite processing

    I found this document on Is true that exsist some kind of premium processing for N-400. Somoeone know something. Look at the end of message: _________________________________________ Original post: Texas Service Center Expedite Criteria The Texas Service Center gives...
  2. E

    ATLANTA whats happening

    PO box Hmm, using P.O. Box is very inportant to me, becouse i very offten changing places. What to do?
  3. E

    ATLANTA whats happening

    No Title How long? :-) Anybody knows how long it takes to get the swearing in letter after your successfull interview?
  4. E

    ATLANTA whats happening

    When I read proessing times around WebSites they are sad that processing time for N-400 in Atlanta is form 366-700 day. But recently I read some peoples getting ther interview for 5-6 months. What is true 1 1/2 - 2 years or 5-9 months. I plan to fill naturalisation forms here in Atlanta at end...
  5. E

    Atlanta Timeline for N-400

    E-mail Can you send me e-mail to ask you some questions. I plan to fill N-400 soon?
  6. E

    Atlanta citizenship facts ?

    Lets start Atlanta N-400 thread. Previous aplicants plase post yours timelines, opinions, tips. What we (new aplicants) can expect? How long we must wait from filling unil swearing in! Thanx! rissy
  7. E

    ATLANTA whats happening

    When I read proessing times around WebSites they are sad that processing time for N-400 in Atlanta is form 366-700 day. But recently I read some peoples getting ther interview for 5-6 months. What is true 1 1/2 - 2 years or 5-9 months. I plan to fill naturalisation forms here in Atlanta at end...
  8. E

    N-400 and new biographical info

    I plan to fill N-400 soon. In the meen time I was divorce and get married again. My green card was on ex-husband second name and becouse of that I fill for replace. My DMW is on new husband secondname but Social Security Card is still on ex-husbands. Becouse I plan to fill N-400 is better to...
  9. E

    Atlanta Timeline

    No Title Can you send me your e-mail I wanna ask you something about naturalisation. tnx