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  • Hi Donkay, thanks for ur comments on the thread. Indeed i thank God for all He has done to me. my number is +919944392700, hoping to hear from u
    Yea I forgot, with regards to the medicals, we need to recieve our 2nd NL or a correspondence showing that we have been schduled for an interview before we can proceed. The PC in Ghana will not take that long in processing so that should not be a problem. My sponsor is standing ready to provide all needed documents when I become current. Immano, a little advice to you is to ensure that your school certs, birth cert and passport are all ready. Ensure that the expiry on the passport is not less than 1 year and most forumites have adviced to use education as your qualifying criteria if you meet the minimum requirement. I just renewed my PP and all my certs are ready. So I believe, well, that I have done enough.
    I used to live in London b4 moving to Ghana a few years back. My family is still there. I'm gonna have my interview there actually. I need to do PC for London and Ghana. I'm waiting till about mid July when I'll process tha PCs in Ghana for myself and my spouse. I'll also fill the forms for the PC in London and my spouse will process that. When I'm done I'll move to London for my medicals and interview and will let the room know of my success.
    Hi Don, I'm happy to hear from you this morning. As you rightly said, I'm just hoping and praying that all goes well with us.Thanks so much for your encouragement.
    By the way, have you made all your documents ready? For me I have asked my sponsor to hold on with the affidavit till I become current. And I have not done any medical exams nor police report. What about you?
    Don tell me more!!!
    Hi kay, it's my pleasure to meet you online.
    My case number (2010AF00073xxx) is just like yours and as at now i do not know what to do. Do you think we stand the better chance?

    pls reply me and lets talk more! Thanks
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