
03/31/08 1st NL
04/7/08, forms to KCC+fees
june, 08 2nd NL
July, 08 reciept recieved
10/21/08: AOS package sent
10/25/08: checks cashed
11/2/08: NOA recieved
11/11/08: Biometric letter recieved
11/21/08: Biometrics done
12/22/08: EAD, prod. ordered
12/31/08: EAD in hand
01/13/09: Interv lett., sched. Feb.2nd
02/02/09: Interv done
2/7/09: Welcome letter
2/12/09: GCs recieved, 1 with error
Oh GOD we seek your guidance, help,forgivness, and the highest degree in paradise, AMEN.


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    Can't Stop!

    You've posted 100 messages. I hope this took you more than a day!
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    Keeps Coming Back

    30 messages posted. You must like it here!
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