Recent content by Alkebulan

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    New York City - N-400 Timeline - Naturalization Experiences

    Update.. Had my interview today. My appointment was for 9:55am, but I got there at 8am. I was interviewed by an elderly lady. Very professional, polite, but not overly friendly. I had made a copy of all the required documents and clipped them together. She asked me for my name, and told me to...
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    New York City - N-400 Timeline - Naturalization Experiences

    Hello Carmelo, I got a letter that rescheduled me for next week Tuesday Feb 15th at 9:55am. I will post updates later.
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    New York City - N-400 Timeline - Naturalization Experiences

    I had an appointment scheduled today for 7:55am this morning at the Federal Plaza in NY. Braved the piles of snow and got there at 7am. I was turned back by the security guard who told me the office was closed due to the snow storm, and further went to tell me I could come back tomorrow. After...
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    2010 August N-400 tracker

    Checking In...
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    Returning Green Card

    Big Mistake. My parents returned the British passport back in the 70's cause the believed it represented a colonial oppression and felt they needed to express their freedom. Right now, theyknow better beaue of the trouble they went through getting it. You need to refocus you thoughts on the...
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    Any May filers around?

    Congrats Praetorian. (the self appointed guardian of this thread). I bet you will get you card in 2 - 3 weeks. I got mine less than 2weeks after the interview. Congrats mate!!
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    Any May filers around?

    Oh I forgot. I wanted to say a Big thank you to everyone that contributes positively on this board. You are all an immense help. Because some of us so not post that often does not mean we are not appreciative. And to all those waiting on EAD's to come, be patient, they are on the way. and I...
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    Any May filers around?

    I got my GC today in the mail. Now, I have to find a way to celebrate.. Myredskins, i am guessing yours should be in the mail by tommorrow.
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    Any May filers around?

    Dont worry, just be patient. It will come, make sure you have fun whilst sitting around. Because once you start work, you will be pleading to be sitting around.
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    Any May filers around?

    Well, once you get your card, then I am sure mine will be coming the next day. :) :)
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    Any May filers around?

    Got an LUD today. Card production ordered. To all those waiting, all i will say is hang in there, and the cards will come (EADs & GCs)
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    Any May filers around?

    Got my 'Welcome to America' Letter today. At this rate, I will be getting my card in another 2weeks.
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    Any May filers around?

    They didnt give me back the letter. They kept it. But my passport got stamped and the guy at the window told me it was as good as the card itself (but only for 1yr). Thats good enough for me. I am just going to let them do their thing. I am not even gong to check for any LUDs to see when my...
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    Any May filers around?

    My experience is pretty close to Redskins. We had our interview today. Got to the DO 30minutes before our appointment at 10am. We went through security and did all the normal good stuff (waiting to be called). I actually started getting nervous at some point that thing smight not go very...