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  • Based on many of the posts from others, a number of people have gone early and they were allowed to fp early. So I did the same and went the next day I got the notice. The clerk told me to wait until all scheduled persons have been fp'd, then he called me up and processed my fp. I was only there less than 30 minutes. I would recommend you to also go early. Good luck.
    hello there,

    I see your in your time line that you went earlier for your FP appointment. My local field office is detroit and it looks like i will have to sacrifice a very important meeting for my fp appointment. So after seeing your timeline, i was thinking may be i can go early too. is it really possible?
    also my appointment letter says that i can go for the appointment any following Wednesday after the original scheduled date. I don't know if going on any other date is suggested or not. please do reply!

    Many thanks :)
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