WOOOW!!! Interview


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Please be patient with my long story and I truly need help!!!

I am scheduled for an interview this coming Monday 05/16/2011
Day 1) 03/17/2011 sent application to Chicago.
Day 2) 03/18/2011 recieved second day
Day 7) 03/23/2011 status online -initial review

during this time i was waiting for FP appointment. but never received it.

Day 28) 04/13/2011 interview appointment letter
Day 61) 05/16/2011 interview day.

I am schedule for an interview this coming monday. Tis is my second AOS thru my second marriage after the first marriage didn`t workout.

First marriage and interview;

I was married to my first wife(now divorced ) in 2005. In 2008 she petition for me and too i applied for AOS (i-485). In in July 2009 we went for the interview. We were not separated and the interview took us an oath and starting asking the minor questions. Our IDs, address of residence ,if were living to which we answered yes. to me the interview wasnt bad, but before we could give any paper work another officer came in and asked the interviewer if she was thru. she said almost and went out. Two police officer came in and told us they have to take my wife to custody for violation of parole!!!! when i asked them what was it for, they told me 2001, before i even set my foot in US she committed a fraud and she was given a probation of which she didnt meet. One IO came and told me that it wont affect my case. Few minutes later our interview came back and asked me if have any paperwork. I gave her what i had which to my understanding they were not enough. Three 6 weeks later I received a denial notice. At that time there was nothing i could do since my wife was still in jail.
When she came out of Jail she very upset at me as to why I didnt pay the $5000 they judge ordered to be paid for her to be freed. yes $5000. i couldnt afford it. we separated and eventually divorced 03/2010.

Second wife;

i met my wife whom i dearly love and she love me too, she moved in with me and eventually got married on 07/2010.
she decided that i should apply for adjustment since I have good credentials to get a better job than the one i had. Unfortunately we lost our jobs almost the same months and we had to move to another state where her mother promised to stay with us for a while.
On 3/17/2011 i applied for AOS.

documents we have;
1)Her life insurance and i am the beneficiary + health( from her new job)
2) My life insurance and she is the beneficiary.
3)Bank statement showing my direct deposit when i was working and her direct deposit.
4)Fitness cards both of us as members
5) Car insurance with both of our names
6)Cellphone bill but has only my name on it for both of our numbers.
7)Affidavits from her family members: her mother stating we stay with temporarily and from her cousins;

I included one of the bill which was on her name when we were in our apt in texas + her mails showing the same address and some of the bills which were on my name + my other mails showing the same address.
Our interview is in New Orleans.
** we do not have lease as we stay with her mother.
My case seemed to be tough anyone with an idea what i will face please do advice and i will really, really appreciate.

** interview 05/16/2011 4 days to go!!
You screwed up big time, dude. You should have appealed the denial. Your wife being in jail doesn't mean you're not eligible for a GC. And upon approval you would have received an unconditional 10-year card because you were married for over 2 years. You're lucky they didn't deport you after the uncontested denial. What was the denial reason?

If the bond was $5000, you could have gotten her out by paying a bail bondsman just $500. But if the $5000 was a fine for violating probation, paying the whole $5000 would have been necessary.

Anyway, this time you shouldn't have a problem, but if you run into other obstacles don't give up so easily. Do your research, and seek assistance to find out avenues to challenge any adverse rulings.

But what about the fingerprinting ... you have an interview soon but still no fingerprint notice?
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I think something (some specific detail) is missing. DHS assisted in her apprehension. There was a mention of "fraud". It then almost immediately resulted in I-485 denial.

There is no mention of the specific type of fraud.

IF it was prior immigration marriage fraud, then SHE would have been found ineligible to file an I-130 and even a legitimate spouse could not get a greencard from his marriage to her.

Without greater detail, this is only speculation but would explain it.
You screwed up big time, dude. You should have appealed the denial. Your wife being in jail doesn't mean you're not eligible for a GC. And upon approval you would have received an unconditional 10-year card because you were married for over 2 years. You're lucky they didn't deport you after the uncontested denial. What was the denial reason?

If the bond was $5000, you could have gotten her out by paying a bail bondsman just $500. But if the $5000 was a fine for violating probation, paying the whole $5000 would have been necessary.

Anyway, this time you shouldn't have a problem, but if you run into other obstacles don't give up so easily. Do your research, and seek assistance to find out avenues to challenge any adverse rulings.

But what about the fingerprinting ... you have an interview soon but still no fingerprint notice?
Thanks for your insight. There was no bond in her case...it was either to pay the $5000 or spend time in jail. they call it a pro se case or some of the sort.
In the denial they said they will not initiate removal proceedings. I could not appeal my I485, its only her could appeal the I-130 since she is the petitioner.
I have not received finger print notice, I called customer service but i think most of the time they dont know their job. they told me i should wait for 30 day but all in vain.
How is likey my case gonna be regarding my first case and the current evidence i have?
again thanks for the contributtion
I think something (some specific detail) is missing. DHS assisted in her apprehension. There was a mention of "fraud". It then almost immediately resulted in I-485 denial.

There is no mention of the specific type of fraud.

IF it was prior immigration marriage fraud, then SHE would have been found ineligible to file an I-130 and even a legitimate spouse could not get a greencard from his marriage to her.

Without greater detail, this is only speculation but would explain it.

That's an interesting deduction, and I'm inclined to agree with you. I'll also add my own speculation:

They could have arrested her at the beginning of the interview or denied the I-130 before the interview, but they let the interview be completed because they wanted to see if the latest marriage was another fraud. It wasn't, so they let him go but arrested her for the old violation.
I think something (some specific detail) is missing. DHS assisted in her apprehension. There was a mention of "fraud". It then almost immediately resulted in I-485 denial.

There is no mention of the specific type of fraud.

IF it was prior immigration marriage fraud, then SHE would have been found ineligible to file an I-130 and even a legitimate spouse could not get a greencard from his marriage to her.

Without greater detail, this is only speculation but would explain it.

The fraud was something to do with food stamp if i remember.
Sammy have you thought of hiring a good lawyer. There is something going on with your case. You file in march and they set up an interview in may, it is strange. No fingerprint No fbi security check. By the way were did you file you case usually the file to Texas then they forward the applications to a local office for interview. Please you need a lawyer
Hey yeii yeei yeei sammy dude, dude duuude! How did you get entangled with women on food stamps baba? Not good not good not good at all at all at all bro but I wish you luck with your case even though I would not want to be in your shoes right now. All the best.

during my marriage with her, she was never given food stamp, this was before i married her.
Sammy have you thought of hiring a good lawyer. There is something going on with your case. You file in march and they set up an interview in may, it is strange. No fingerprint No fbi security check. By the way were did you file you case usually the file to Texas then they forward the applications to a local office for interview. Please you need a lawyer

I do understand your opinion and I wish i could get one but the time was so limited. to prepare the case and the same time raise money it is tough for me. But I will get one hopefully.
I filed my case in National benefit center, the usual routine then it was routed to New Orleans. I stay in louisiana
Hey yeii yeei yeei sammy dude, dude duuude! How did you get entangled with women on food stamps baba? Not good not good not good at all at all at all bro but I wish you luck with your case even though I would not want to be in your shoes right now. All the best.

Mambo niaje?
Ok guys let me give you the updates of my interview which was conducted on 5/16/2011. We got at USCIS office in time. 30 min later an officer came and called my name. In the interview room, he swore us in and we got sitted. He asked for our identification of which we showed him. He started asking when and where we first met. my wife gladly answerd that cuz she remembers everything on that day. He asked if we have joint accounts, my wife gave him 4 statements!! She told him that she printed 4 to show him that when we were in houston sammy( husband) was getting direct deposit thru that account and now (wife) she get direct deposit thru the same account. He asked if we have insurance, my wife gave him Car insurance, life insurance( me covered and she is the beneficiary) and gave another one which she is covered and i am the beneficiary.
He asked where the wedding took place and the recption. my wife answered and she started showing pictures of the wedding and reception and naming her family members and my friends who attended. from there the officer seemed uninterested in continuing the inter. He was kind trying to push my wife explaining more and when she wanted to give the copies of the documents he said he have them.
He asked if i took finger prints and my wife always tried to answer all the question and told him that we were waiting for the appointment but never got it and that we called several times and to her understanding she believe we were supposed to get the FP apntmnt before Interview aptmnt. The officer said it always happen all the time but he will schedule me for one.
He asked if I was arrested...I said yes and it was failure to appear in court and it was traffic tickets. he asked how many times. I said i dont remember it might be 3 or 4 times. All this time he was marking a paper (tick) except he wrote down different on two: 1) arrests and 2) finger prints. He said he will get in touch with us after getting to see my previous file and be able to make a decision. he also said if he will send a mail we should reply it within 30 days. and that was it!! he said you see this file is green, not like the other ones, i will have to look into your first file before i make a decision

To my wife the interview was good and the only thing is my last case though the interviewer never asked anything regarding my previous marriage. to me the green file different from others is like a red flag, it needs more scrutiny.
Please with whats is written above give your insight and opinions what this case might be heading to for me to prepare myself.
Thank you all for reading and trying to help.
Your actual A-file is brown (dark manila) in color. The other is either a T-file (temp file created simply to place the application in until obtaining the A-file, it has your same regular main "A" number except it starts with a T instead of an A) or a receipt file (created for a form that does not require it to be placed in the A-file, it gets one of those other numbers specific only to that one form: WAC-11-####-######, MSC-11-etc). It could have only been an interview on the I-130 and not for the I-485. The I-130 alone does not require an interview in all cases and there was NO Biometrics fee paid and NO FP appt. required.
Your actual A-file is brown (dark manila) in color. The other is either a T-file (temp file created simply to place the application in until obtaining the A-file, it has your same regular main "A" number except it starts with a T instead of an A) or a receipt file (created for a form that does not require it to be placed in the A-file, it gets one of those other numbers specific only to that one form: WAC-11-####-######, MSC-11-etc). It could have only been an interview on the I-130 and not for the I-485. The I-130 alone does not require an interview in all cases and there was NO Biometrics fee paid and NO FP appt. required.

to bigjoes5, when he was interviewing us, in front him, I mean on the desk was my file which is Green...i saw it, then he showed us other files on another desk which were brown in colour. I had an A # during my first interview with my previous wife. And the interview was i think for both I-130 and I-485 since I submitted all of them at same time plus the I-765. I paid for the whole forms, I-130 and I-485 i filed ir myself with proper filing fees. $420 and $1070+$80 for biometrics. thanks for the reply