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Will they reach my number?


Registered Users (C)

I am a DV-2006 winner from Africa. My number if AF35xxx.

Why are the number increments moving so slowly this year? How do these numbers become available? Realistically, what are my chance of getting an interview before Sept 2006?

Thanks for your input! :confused:

I wonder too why the pace is so slow this year compared with d 2 previous years, though 2002 was also as slow as dis year. But why? Anyway, Phant I believe u will get interviewed, possibly towards the tail end........ July/August.
I dont believe that is anything related to 09/11 events. Bulletin for September 2001 was published in August 2001 and that bulletin contained numbers for September and very low number for October. So everything was published before all the 09/11 events.
We are novice, like a child learning to walk, so we need the slow movement, the slower the movement the more tranquilly and stable we will be. We don't know what the movement related to; but, it is absolutely related to God--- this thing for sure --- so let's just keep our ten fingers cross, and pray and pray ..........Be faith! :) Hope one day the miracle comes true! Amen !/Amin !/Namo Buddaya !:D
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The Number (#) is the cut off mark for any country
AF = Africa and this is a region on her own
Nigeria is a country.

This is telling you that if
AF cut-off # is 55555555
Nigeria, Ethopia and any other country in AF mentioned will not be above the specified # attached to them as cut-off


AF region is 2000
Nigeris 1200 note The winner 1201 will not get interview in Nigeria, but in other AF countries a winner with 1201 will get an interview.

I hope this helps.

After darkness there will be light.

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me too

hii im from morocco
me tooo im a winner of dv-2006 my case is 33xxx so in your opinion
the kcc will finech in what number this year
i sent my forms in august so have i a chance for ian interwie?? :)

yes, they'll eventually reach your number so long as it becomes current before september 30. and mind you it should be an earlier date than this because september 30 is that last date for issuance of visas for the DV2006.