when can you switch jobs: after I485 approval??


Registered Users (C)
Well, they say that after you get your GC, you should wait for
a few months before you change jobs. This is to ensure that INS
doesn\'t think that you were with the employer for the sole purpose
of getting the GC. And soon after you got it, the next day you quit.

Here is my question:

After you receive your I485 approval notice, if you
intend to get a new job in say 2 months, does it matter if you get
your passport stamped right after your approval or can you wait for
two months and get it stamped right before you switch jobs.

Do you loose any significant time by not stamping your passport?

Any input will be appreciated.

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This is a frequent question in the \'After the greencard\' thread on this site.

It is not a question of time but one of intent. The safe answer is never. The legal answer is that after 2 years it is the INS\'s burden to prove you intented to commit fraud. In real life I was not able to find any instance of a permanent resident rescission for employment reasons. This does not mean that they do not exist, this scenario is explicitly taken into account by the immigration law.

Check the following thread.

daffyduck "Got Green Card. Need to change job" 12/18/01 3:51pm

Please **read** all of the document that is referenced in the posts (somewhere on imminfo.com).

Note that in theory you just broke the law by stating your intent not to work for the sponsoring company for an indefinite period of time. It is all the proof the INS needs to cancel your GC. Of course the INS will not investigate you and even if they do they will not find this particular message.

Please be more cautious since you plan to spend some time in this country. Lawyers are highly successful people in America, no need for you to contribute to their fortunes.

I do not plan to add more information to this thread, please check the link above if you have questions.

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, this message is my personal opinion only and may be wrong.