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What is Additional processing?


Registered Users (C)
There are two words in further consular processing. "Administrative" and "Additional". Some people are saying in this forum that Administrative processing is a large and lengthy process. Then what is the "Additional processing"? Is that a short time processing?What are the subjects for Additional processing? Can anybody please explain about Additional processing?
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there are technically no differences, but they show the cause , please read the instruction, did they ask for further documentation to submit ? or they sent your papers to USa for further background and name checking
there are technically no differences, but they show the cause , please read the instruction, did they ask for further documentation to submit ? or they sent your papers to USa for further background and name checking

Hi there is a page in the 2nd nl package called "QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ADDITIONAL PROCESSING " AND IT CONTAINS 10 questions.now my question is ,how important & sensitive are this questions like Question NO 7:"List all previous residences from the age of sixteen"

Now I was in a country from which police certificate is not available for the foreigners applying outside that country. In such case will they check all my addresses in that country? Does this kind of things go under additional processing?

I'm in BD and planning to do my cp in Dhaka soon. I think u must have some idea bro.

This is very important as they want to know which places you travelled to.

From Bangladesh, you can collect only one Police Clearance certificate based on the Permanent Address of your Passport. For other countries, if you cannot collect the Police Clearance, always be honest and truthful to the Embassy people. I guess US embassy has two hours open line , i forgot most probably on Monday, you can talk to the girl and ask her any relevant questions
Additional is a broad term to show the processing is longer than usual. Administrative means a number of formal procedures done. So, any administrative processing is definitely an additional one. But not any additional processing is an administrative one.