Waiver based on No objection statement


Registered Users (C)
I have a J1 visa as I received funding from my home governement. To receive the no objection statement, I will have to resign from my work in home country and pay the governements a lot of money.

Now, is it guaranteed that the department of state will waive the two year home residency requir.?

I did not receive any funding from US government.
"No Objection" Statement

therapy111 said:
Now, is it guaranteed that the department of state will waive the two year home residency requir.?

"No Objection " Statement: More than half of J HRR waiver applications fall into the "No Objection" category. These waiver requests originate when the Waiver Review Branch receives a diplomatic note from the applicant’s home government stating that government's "No Objection" to the grant of a waiver.

It is important to distinguish between "No Objection" statements issued on behalf of visitors who are subject to the two-year home-country physical presence requirement because their area of study/work appears on the Skills List, and "No Objection" statements submitted in support of visitors who have received USG funding. In the absence of USG funding, a "No Objection" statement from the home country is likely to result in a favorable waiver recommendation.

If, however, the requested information indicates that the applicant received direct or indirect USG funding, the sponsor providing such funding will be contacted for its views regarding the grant of a waiver. If the sponsor objects to a waiver, a "No Objection" statement from a home country has limited effect, and the Agency will generally make an unfavorable recommendation to INS.


In the absence of US government funding, a No Objection statement from the home country is likely to result in a favorable waiver recommendation from the United States Department of State. If the applicant received US government funding, the government sponsor is contacted for its views regarding the grant of a waiver. If the government sponsor objects, a No Objection statement from the home country will have limited effect, and the Department of State will generally make an unfavorable recommendation.