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Vocational high school is a secondary education?


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Sorry to ask about educational qualification again.
Can any one give me the meaning of high school equivalent please?
and vocational high school is a secondary education?

I worry very much that my education back ground won't meet the qualification.
Have your acedemic record evaluated

"A high school education means successful completion of a formal course of elementary and secondary education comparable to completion of a 12-year course in the Uinted States."

If you are from a country with first-world educational standards, then providing you have completed 12 years (longer if you failed or repeated years) then you should meet this requirement.
If your country's educational standards are not the same as the US then you will need to go to more effort to prove that your education is equivalent.

If you are worried about this, and you want to make sure you meet the requirements, then I strongly advise getting a US-based evaluator to assess your acedemic record. They will be able to assess whether your education is equivalent to a High School Diploma. They will typically provide a sealed report that you then give to the US consular staff during your interview.

I recommend using National Association of Credential Evaluation Service (NACES) members. http://www.naces.org/ I know that ECE, for example, is reputable.

Before getting the evaluation, you will need to assemble all your acedemic records - school plus university or college education if any. You will need originals of these for the consular interview anyway.
Sorry to ask about educational qualification again.
Can any one give me the meaning of high school equivalent please?
and vocational high school is a secondary education?

I worry very much that my education back ground won't meet the qualification.

High School equivalent in the U.S means someone who finished basic education from grade 1 to 12 (typically from age 6 to 18).

Here is the basic run down what it means in the U.S education system. Maybe you can defined it in your own country education system.

Primary education:
From 1st grade to 4th grade (age 6 to 9).

Secondary education:
From 5th grade to 12th grade (age 10 to 18).

Vocational School:
This is a school option for usually someone who is about to graduate high school (12th grade) and decided to go into a more specific field that is offered by Technical Schools or career school. The example of this is more like someone who doesn't want to go to College after High School, instead wanted go to work after graduation. Vocational school usually offers the required training to do that.

Here are the break down of the grades in the U.S educational system:
Elementary School : Kindergarten until 5th grade
Middle School: 6th grade until 8th grade
High School: 9th grade until 12th grade

Each country in the world have their own definition of secondary education. Vocational High School is considered secondary education.

I hope this helped. :eek:
Thank you very much GERINDO for your help. I'm pretty much appreciated.
In thailand educational system if student finish thier grade 9, they will have 2 choices to go on thier education.
Firstly, general high school grade 10-12 will receive high school certificate.
Secondly, Vocational high school grade 1-3 will receive vocational certificate.
Next education is College and University. If 2 years will receive Vocational degree and 4 years will receive bachelor degree.

I choose Vocational school after grade 9 for 3 years and received vocational certificate then spent another 4 years in university and received bachelor degree.

I dont know that consular officer will count vocational school as a US high school or its equivalent whether or not.

This is really worry about.
Thank you very much GERINDO for your help. I'm pretty much appreciated.
In thailand educational system if student finish thier grade 9, they will have 2 choices to go on thier education.
Firstly, general high school grade 10-12 will receive high school certificate.
Secondly, Vocational high school grade 1-3 will receive vocational certificate.
Next education is College and University. If 2 years will receive Vocational degree and 4 years will receive bachelor degree.

I choose Vocational school after grade 9 for 3 years and received vocational certificate then spent another 4 years in university and received bachelor degree.

I dont know that consular officer will count vocational school as a US high school or its equivalent whether or not.

This is really worry about.

The embassy should and will understand the educational equivalent of your country. If you are worried about equivalency double check with the embassy to confirm. You need to worry.
You think embassy will need to see only Bachelor Degree?
because I selected University Degree on the electronic form.

Saying that you're graduate from a University with a Bachelor degree showed that you are more than qualified on the education background.

On the interview, bring all your education records including from the vocational school and University. From what I have seen, it differs from embassy to embassy what they asked for. Some consular might ask only your high school or vocational school degree, some might ask only your University degree, some might ask for all of them. Therefore, to be safe, bring all of them.

I don't think you'll have a problem with the education qualification. The High School Degree is only the minimum requirement. You're already passed that minimum requirements. :)
Saying that you're graduate from a University with a Bachelor degree showed that you are more than qualified on the education background.

On the interview, bring all your education records including from the vocational school and University. From what I have seen, it differs from embassy to embassy what they asked for. Some consular might ask only your high school or vocational school degree, some might ask only your University degree, some might ask for all of them. Therefore, to be safe, bring all of them.

I don't think you'll have a problem with the education qualification. The High School Degree is only the minimum requirement. You're already passed that minimum requirements. :)

I heard someone in Thailand who are expert for the immigrant visa to US said - If nothing change about educational requirement that still as same as 2 years ago (DV2007) - you are qualified becuz only correspondence or non formal education (study out of school) or short-cut education will disqualify. He said I am not any in case of above but spent 12 years of primary and secondary school even last 3 of 12 years for vocational high school + 4 years university. I will be fine.

You think that the rules of educational requirement still the same as DV2007 - I have seen the electronic application have new topics - one of them is "highest education that received" but it say at the bottom "Vocational schools or equivalency degrees are not acceptable"
I heard someone in Thailand who are expert for the immigrant visa to US said - If nothing change about educational requirement that still as same as 2 years ago (DV2007) - you are qualified becuz only correspondence or non formal education (study out of school) or short-cut education will disqualify. He said I am not any in case of above but spent 12 years of primary and secondary school even last 3 of 12 years for vocational high school + 4 years university. I will be fine.

You think that the rules of educational requirement still the same as DV2007 - I have seen the electronic application have new topics - one of them is "highest education that received" but it say at the bottom "Vocational schools or equivalency degrees are not acceptable"
This is really worry about.

With a degree you should be okay. If you are worried then get your educational records formally evaluated. It's not difficult or expensive. Then you don't have to worry.

The requirement is for the equivalent of a high school diploma. It's nice that you have a degree, but make sure you also have good documentation for your school and vocational school education along with natioal examination results.
Could you please tell me what does "Some university courses" stand for?

Is it higher than High school diploma? Is it suitable for people who are 18~20y old?

Just the starts of university?
Sorry for my intruding..

I'm 21 years old. I'm in my last University year for a bachelor degree.

I think its hard here to get official transcripts proving that i have had university courses for 4 years now.. we just get a graduation certificate after we finish the whole courses.

so is " some university courses" still the correct choice for me ?

Thanks in advance
so is " some university courses" still the correct choice for me ?

"Some university courses" is more than sufficient. Don't worry about transcripts at this point since you would only need those in case you get selected and are scheduled to appear for an interview.
hey ya'll

i'm going the american embassy in paris next month (feb 2011) and my diploma is a vocational high school diploma... it's still a high school diploma so i'm still in, right ?
Do you think that educational requirement every year always still the same?

The basic requirements are statutory.

INA 203 Allocation of immigrant visas.

(c) Diversity immigrants.

(2) Requirement of education or work experience.

An alien is not eligible for a visa under this subsection unless
the alien--
(A) has at least a high school education or its equivalent,
(B) has, within 5 years of the date of application for a
visa under this subsection, at least 2 years of work experience
in an occupation which requires at least 2 years of training or

(d) Treatment of family members

A spouse or child as defined in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), (D), or
(E) of section 101(b)(1) of this title shall, if not otherwise entitled
to an immigrant status and the immediate issuance of a visa under
subsection (a), (b), or (c) of this section, be entitled to the same
status, and the same order of consideration provided in the respective
subsection, if accompanying or following to join, the spouse or parent.

SEE: 22 CFR 42.33 http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/tex...v8&view=text&node=22:

Specifically, 22 CFR § 42.33 Diversity immigrants.

(a) General —(1) Eligibility to compete for consideration under section 203(c). An alien will be eligible to compete for consideration for visa issuance under INA 203(c) during a fiscal year only if he or she is a native of a low-admission foreign state, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security pursuant to INA 203(c)(1)(E), with respect to the fiscal year in question; and if he or she has at least a high school education or its equivalent or, within the five years preceding the date of application for a visa, has two years of work experience in an occupation requiring at least two years training or experience. The eligibility for a visa under INA 203(c) ceases at the end of the fiscal year in question. Under no circumstances may a consular officer issue a visa or other documentation to an alien after the end of the fiscal year during which an alien possesses diversity visa eligibility.

(2) Definition of high school education or its equivalent. For the purposes of this section, the phrase high school education or its equivalent means the successful completion of a twelve-year course of elementary and secondary education in the United States or successful completion in another country of a formal course of elementary and secondary education comparable to completion of twelve years' elementary and secondary education in the United States.
